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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. Another day, another dollar (grift)
  2. Thanksgiving is soon 👀👀
  3. Let me guess.. they must be RINOs huh
  4. Obama derangement syndrome - still strong as ever.. spanning multiple decades, literally phew
  5. #1 exporter of freedom tanks, helicopters, guns.. you name it, USA will provide it!
  6. I swear y’all weirdos get off on “owning the libs”. Politicians funneling more money in their pockets while y’all celebrate it lol
  7. What’s the traditional way of CRT? Pretending slavery, segregation, war on drugs (minorities) never happened? I just don’t get all the hooplah around CRT. I believe (opinion) that we need to teach American history, which includes but not limited to the things I mentioned above. Obviously, most normal people don’t believe all whiteys are bad or that all black people are bad. Seems to me the goalposts have moved further in each direction when truth is somewhere in the middle. Truth being, imo, black people are still feeling the effects and consequences of slavery, segregation, drug war, etc which all led to breakup of the family and loss of generational wealth building (takes money to make money). But at the same time, blaming these historical atrocities to justify current poor life decisions (such as crime) is dumb as hell.
  8. I personally thought it’d be an easy win for Youngkin given that most normal people are tired of both the typical liberal tax everything & make everything about race nonsense and the MAGA crowd pandering. But.. that’s my opinion. Perhaps a bit biased as I’ve met the guy and share common vested interests. I’d say trump invigorated more liberal voters than conservative, considering the turnout and vote spread in the general If trump and/or Biden run in 2024.. we really need to have a serious discussion on an upper age limits.. it’s getting ridiculous.
  9. I disagree - I felt like this should have been an easy Republican win from the start Look at the general election. People didn’t vote for Biden because they think he’s great, they voted for him because he wasn’t Trump. That’s literally it. The down ballot votes generally favored republicans. All Youngkin had to do was (I) not tie his campaign to trump , and (II) not be an inflammatory idiot pandering to the MAGA red hat crowd and this election was in the bag. That’s the ‘blueprint’ to beat democrats, not whatever nonsense gets posted on here daily
  10. Don’t get triggered trumper, just calling it how I see it
  11. 1) How is Romney a RINO? Because he doesn’t talk like a moron and grift the rural hillbillies at every opportunity? He’s one of the most accomplished businessmen to ever run for office. 2) I didn’t say Youngkin will be a RINO. I said you guys will eventually turn on him and call him a RINO. I think he’s too smart, too educated, too… normal.. to ever be fully accepted by the relatively unsophisticated trumper crowd. Which is completely fine by me.
  12. Y’all are celebrating now but I give it a couple years before repubs turn on Youngkin, like they did Romney, and start calling him a RINO I Hope youngkin runs for president in 2024. Blows the other team (R) candidates out the water and it’s not really even close
  13. True, but couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of this comment
  14. You know what Maury, that baby does look like me!
  15. Same small town southerners who fought so bravely to keep their slaves
  16. Time for me to fly to Mexico, lose my passport, then cross the border for my 450k
  17. Yet you guys are constantly trying to control peoples lives by limiting abortion rights, jailing people for marijuana etc Last decade it was gay marriage, a few decades before that it was interracial marriage, before that it was water fountains, etc
  18. Explain how to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal? Easy. Be fiscally conservative, while not caring what people do in their personal lives, ie.. interracial marriage , gay rights, womens right, and so on Looking forward to you asking me to defend your next and never-ending radical assumptions 😉
  19. Youngkin is in a tough spot here. He’s a smart, accomplished businessman but still has to cater to the absolute dumbest cohort of trump voters to win, without alienating the normal moderates who are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I hope he wins.
  20. Y’all are suffering from ADS - Alec Derangement Syndrome Normal people dgaf about him, yet you guys know his entire career work.
  21. Typical peanut brain trumper
  22. So you’re outraged that the media wasn’t outraged? Anyways.. prob a good thing the media stays out of this one and let the negotiators do their thing in peace.
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