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Everything posted by player66

  1. I was in the league a couple of years and if I remember right, the kids busted weight did not have place to play at until the rule was implemented to allow them to move up to the next division. You have to remember, that the majority of the kids fit the weight. A few years ago, the weights were; No Pee-wee Jr ages 8, 9, & 10. 10 year olds max 80 lbs, 8 & 9 115 lbs. I f you know were the league was and where it is now you may be able to understand.
  2. this division is getting interesting
  3. Looks like Bridge City & Nederland Black maybe a contender as well.
  4. Before you start slamming youth football coaches and players from another organization you should look at your own house. The thread is predictions not slmming volunteers and kids.
  5. Agree PNG PROUD, this thread ia about scores. Start a new thread. Plus, some said kids dont read this stuff, you are wrong. 11 & 12 year olds now how to work a computer better than most adults. Grow up people, stay on topic
  6. the refs have nothing to do with who runs the clock. that is the the responsibilty of the home teams Well the home team claimed they weren't the official time and that was why they allowed kids to operate cuz the refs had the official time. The refs only said that the score would be right in the official scorebook; therefore, we didn't need to worry about if the score was right or not on the scoreboard but that was the official time. You can't have an official time keeper where they can be distracted by other people as well as other games on other fields (turning around watching the game behind instead of the game they are operating the board for). Hopefully, lessons were learned this weekend and the problem was addressed and resolved for future games at that site or any other home site. Donate $25 per game and you can have a real official run the scoreboard, otherwise each association tries to get a responsible person to do it. The ref is utlimately responsible for the game time. The score is both coaches responsibility. There are some games that the coaches agree to run the clock. So ask your coach! When my son played there were about 25 games per week in the stjfl, times that by $25, thats a lot of money. Another idea, you volunteer and help the situation. I always get a kick out of people that want to complain are the ones that dont volunteer.
  7. This is thread is about predictions for real teams not hypothetical teams. When the season os over settle it then, combine y our teams and go play until then its is a waste of time.
  8. This is a ridiculious statement. Why talk smack about merging 2 teams. What if every team in the league merge the best players to one team! then league would not exist, because eveyone would be stacking a team. Just relax and have fun!
  9. I will tell you, the STJFL is about providing a place for kids to play football just like Lone Star, TIFI, and Pop Warner. They all have rules! Just because it does not work for you dont try to drag down a youth organization. Be an adult!! Not everyones rules fit everyone, but I gaurantee you if follow the proper channels and done in the right way, rules can be changed. But I dont think this is the way to do it. If you really think you are fighting the good fight for all unjust kids, you are wrong. Everyone has a story, obviuosly yours is lacking the whole truth!
  10. Thats what I am saying piratefan, unless you see the game, you dont know all what happen. If I remember correctly there is a sheet that each coach signs and there is a question was there at any time a team was up by 28 points, if so did the team conduct proper sportsmanship? So that gives the opposing team a chance to grade the other team. Then the board willtake up any issues, if any.
  11. TD is right. Sloe I am not sure how much youth football you watch but you have to be at some of the games to understand. After 28 points, the starting backfield comes out of the game. I have seen a lot of teams that behind, throw the ball and usually leads to interceptions and tunrovers. I would reccomend that any team that is behind by 28 to trun the ball and shorten the game as much as possbile. It is very hard to tell 2 nd and 3rd string players not to run hard or retunr an interception. As long as the winning plays with class and good sportsmanship.
  12. And may I add that 10 minute quarters are WAY to long....they don't play that long in UIL sub varsity games for a reason. Take note of all the injuries you start getting in the 4th quarter. It's because the game should already be over. They play 10 minutes because all the kids have to play 10 plays. Middle school/UIL you do not have play all the kids.
  13. USSSA and Nations do not share info. They are totally different when comes to class. Sandbagging has always gone on. Nations does the best job of the 2.
  14. Dude, look when the post was started (prior to last years superbowl). So chill...
  15. Dont understand??? There are only 8 teams left, how can they be ranked 10th???
  16. cap'n, you dont have to win championships to enjoy football. Kids get better by playing better competition. From my understanding, Beaumont is in because they were limited in the schools. I think is it is south west beaumont only. So 1/4 of beaumont is in the STJFL.
  17. JR, if you have not sat through a lesson, you are missing out. My son went to 3 before JR some mentioned on this thread. Hands down JR
  18. Why do you say that cap'n? My money always going in is WOS. Sounds like you had a bad experience! Dont be scared ;D.
  19. What???? Not sure what that means.
  20. Smitty, it sounds like you are the type that will jump off the roof of a building if it passes. The sun will rise the next day after the election I promise. Just drink you kool-aid with mushroom tea
  21. You are core\rect BOOM, it is fun to see local (Golden Triangle) talent
  22. I know the topic is who is the best at Ford Park but if you have just a little knowledge of select baseball you would know that baseball is a long season and cannot be judge just by playing the same ole teams. you find out how good you really are when you branch out to Houston. I know GTB and roughriders are not scared going to houston.
  23. You are correct TxDragon. If someone wants to gripe, they need to gripe to their local board. You can't cheat on weight ins, You cannot weigh your own. Before people start accusing others, they need to know how the weigh in done. You made another good pint, why WOS? I am not from there but you could accuse Lumberton or any other association. Bring facts or shut your pie hole.
  24. I dont care who you bring in, PAM will never compete in football unless they have another Jamal Charles out there. I will go out say that they will not even compete with West Book unless they lose Stump and all they good players go back to OZEN.
  25. Last year Lumberton Sr team challenged PNG Sr and filed a complaint. Thats the only 1 I know of.
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