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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Ok I’ll post this again just for you. You may want to watch it 10 times to get a good understanding of what the Biden Administration lied about an tried to do by raiding Trumps home. Good Grief!
  2. Here you go CB this just broke. I think even you’ll be able to understand this. This should help with Bobcats Poll also. Lol. WATCH IT 3 or 4 TIMES TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE UNDERSTANDING THE WORDS COMING OUT OF HIS MOUTH.😂😂😂 Ya’ll keep falling for the media’s lies time after time after time. News flash: This Administration, DOJ and FBI ARE CORRUPT! I am telling y’all, y’all’s TDS IS BLINDING YA’LL! 😂😂😂
  3. Don’t forget she destroyed the evidence after Congress subpoenaed it .
  4. The FBI made zero arrests of the 1000s of high profile clients of Jeffery Epstein. Not only is that spitting in the faces of the victims, but it tells you everything you need to know about the FBI. It’s always about protecting the rich and powerful while 💩ing on the weak.
  5. Why don’t you go read the law about the Executive Power of a President when it pertains to classified documents an you’ll answer your own poll. Lol. Smh Better yet let’s see if we can get this straight. Trump took the normal action of claiming executive privilege over documents. Then Biden took the radical step of retroactively waiving that privilege so the DOJ could snap in place a criminal investigation against his political opponent? Holy cow. Sounds logical. Lol
  6. If Vidor has a night of no turnovers then they have a chance to keep this competitive an get a win but if they start having turnovers as in plural then it could get away from them. Just hoping to stay healthy with no injuries. That goes for both teams.
  8. Take the time to listen to this woman’s testimony. This took place under Barack Hussein Obama’s Administration. It should scare the hell out you and any other taxpayer with half a brain.
  9. /\ Proof? There is documentation that Trump authorized up to 20,000 National Guard for the event. The mayor of DC and Pelosi who is also responsible for security turned it down. Was there some nut jobs that caused problems? Sure there was an they should be prosecuted. But say Trump ordered a insurrection is ridiculous an you know it. Lol. Let me help you out Bobcat. Even you should be able to comprehend the words coming out of his mouth.
  10. Trump did not order a insurrection. Do your homework. 20 FBI agent’s were in the crowd instigating violence along with Antifa. Do your Homework.
  11. Our DOJ,FBI, Mueller Gang and the Clintons worked together pushing a phony Dossier to take out a sitting President. Fact. Do your homework.
  12. Sounds like it’s going to be over 1:30 into the game, I wouldn’t worry about watching it.
  13. Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Re: Break-In of Mar-a-Lago We have just filed a motion in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida strongly asserting my rights, including under the Fourth Amendment of our Constitution, regarding the unnecessary, unwarranted, and unAmerican Break-In by dozens of FBI agents, and others, of my home, Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida. They demanded that the security cameras be turned off, a request we rightfully denied. They prevented my attorneys from observing what was being taken in the raid, saying "absolutely not." They took documents covered by attorney-client and executive privilege, which is not allowed. They took my passports. They even brought a "safe cracker" and successfully broke into my personal safe, which revealed…nothing! We are now demanding that the Department of "Justice" be instructed to immediately STOP the review of documents illegally seized from my home. ALL documents have been previously declassified. We are demanding the appointment of a SPECIAL MASTER to oversee the handling of the materials taken in the raid. We are further demanding that the DOJ be forced to turn over a REAL, without "plants," inventory of my property that was taken and disclose where that property is now located. We are demanding that all items wrongfully taken from my home be IMMEDIATELY returned. The wrongful, overbroad warrant was signed by a Magistrate Judge who recused himself just two months ago, from a MAJOR civil suit that I filed, because of his bias and animus toward me. This Mar-a-Lago Break-In, Search, and Seizure was illegal and unconstitutional, and we are taking all necessary actions to the documents back, which we would have given them without the despicable raid of my home, so that I can give them to the National Archives until they are required for the future Donald J. Trump Presidential Library and Museum. I will never stop fighting for the American People, our country, and the Rule of Law.
  14. New Logos on the Helmet! Getting Ready!🏴‍☠️
  15. 😎 Trump filed the lawsuit in the US District Court in the Southern District of Florida on Monday afternoon, claiming that his Fourth Amendment rights were violated by the raid and the subsequent seizure of certain documents, including two of his passports. The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures
  16. You mean the Kangaroo Court? Lol. Show me the evidence there was a insurrection? Like I said the insurrection happened 3 November 2020.
  17. It’s been proven the DOJ and FBI participated an went along with a made up dossier by Clinton in a coup d’e tat against Trump. Not to mention trying to destroy his family an anyone associated with him. That seems to be just fine with you, an goes right over your head likes it’s no big deal. So at this point that is a cute post. That post does not age well if you’ve paid attention to what this government has been trying to do to this man the last 5 years. Lets see the affidavit in full so we can see if there was just cause on the raid. A warrant has to be specific, an this one wasn’t. I am hearing some of the affidavit is hearsay. Lol. They sent in the Hostage and Rescue Swat team of 30 guys to a house they knew was empty to get items that would have been given to them if they just asked. They had to create the optics of him being a treasonous criminal. It’s going to backfire on them BIGLY. Lol
  18. Dang …I guess Vidor should just forfeit. Lol
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