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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. This about sums it up…..
  2. KENNEDY: "Biden has mismanaged congress; mismanaged COVID; mismanaged crime; mismanaged the border; mismanaged Afghanistan; mismanaged the economy; mismanaged inflation; and forfeited American's energy independence…I think a majority of voters in this country…think he would be better off selling catheters on late night TV than serving as President.' - Senator Kennedy of Louisiana
  3. U.S. Election Software Company Previously Built Confucius Institute 'Communication Platform' Konnech Inc., creator of the 'PollChief' software used by 'thousands of Election Offices across North America' previously built ChineseBrief.com for the Confucius Institute. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] 1.8 million Americans who volunteered to participate in local elections in their counties all had their personal info stored on a server in China, data which under Chinese Law belongs to the CCP. I'm not talking just about their names, pictures, addresses, names of their kids, etc. I mean down to the schematics and detailed maps of the buildings they worked in and more. The CCP has an incredible amount of information stored about these election workers and their families that it has been using for more than a few years now in order to learn everything there is to know about how local elections are being run inside the United States. Given that - despite over 40 years of deliberate propaganda to the contrary - the CCP is a hostile foreign regime, the things they could do with this amount of breathtaking detail is, to be polite, problematic. Many years ago the CCP realized it could never defeat the United States in a direct military conflict involving land/air/sea conventional forces. And so the regime in Beijing pursued an unconventional specialized warfare against the US that involved a massive level of infiltration and appropriation. And paving the way for this infiltration and appropriation of key US national defense infrastructure was a political class all too eager to sell out their country in exchange for wealth and favors from China.
  4. President Biden Sad To Hear That Nice Blonde Nurse Who Always Follows Him Around Has COVID. Quadruple vaxxed Jill Biden has Covid. Trust the sCiEncE 😂😂😂😂
  5. Meanwhile while the country is being DESTROYED we have some on here that continue to carry water for a CORRUPT DOJ AND FBI. Smh
  6. Stop reading Headlines an do a little research yourself sweetheart. Your WRONG.
  7. Every news outlet is now a business. It isn’t about reporting the truth. It’s about money. They have brands and customers not unbiased editors and the public good. The sooner you learn this the more their circus-tactics make sense.
  8. 😂😂😂 Where you at Big Girl? 😂😂 Just like the Nuclear Documents😂😂 What are your inside sources telling you? …that they actually found a nuclear warhead in Trumps bathroom.😂😂😂
  9. Democrat Lawfare ….using your taxpayer dollars to keep continuing non factual lawsuits going to politically bludgeon Trump is not going to work. As to the title of this thread you can screen shot this. The DOJ affidavit is based on that NY Times article Maggie H wrote a while back, mixed in with hearsay and innuendo. That's why they won't release it. Watch an see. Just another Russia Hoax. Our FBI and DOJ is corrupt.
  10. The Biden DOJ doesn't want its affidavit justifying the Mar-a-Lago raid be released to the public, but it does not hesitate to leak daily to its willing stenographers in the mainstream media. This way only its side of the story gets out. Some "transparency." Some "rule of law."
  11. The boys still scraped it out even being undermanned. Proud of them.
  12. 400lb bench pressing guy 😂 That idiotic statement will live in infamy!😂 He’s the Mecca of ... 😂
  13. Don’t forget to take a Deep Breath on that Laugh. 😂😂😂 Now that’s comical right there!!😂😂😂
  14. Yet here you are right the middle of the dumpster. If the BS raid would have never took place a thread would have never been created.
  15. Again you don’t know what’s been declassified or what hasn’t not been declassified, an what’s even in the documents period, so quit acting so stupidly all knowing. Why don’t you let the legal process play out Ms. CNN. Again I ask you what was the probable cause in the affidavits to cause them to raid his home? Are the individuals or individual credible that filed the affidavit. Was the affidavit filed off of hearsay? Can you answer that question since you think your some Constitutional Law Professor who has the inside scoop?
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