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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Well I am of the belief that if you don’t have to go both ways then don’t but sometimes you don’t have a choice if you want to be competitive. But of course some positions don’t require as much running as others. I didn’t realize we were missing 4 running backs going into that playoff game last year. That’s a huge hurdle to over come in our offense. I knew our top 2 were out but missing 4 was News to me. Those boys competed regardless. Still come close to pulling it off. The comment from the P.A. Trash Dumpster saying that Chapel Hill held back was BS. I doubt they wanted the Pirates with the ball on there own 20 yard line with a 1st down and 1:15 remaining on the clock with the score being 25 to 20 at that point. Maybe the questionable play calling in that situation had to do with the fact Matthews wasn’t there but they certainly had their opportunity to win that game.
  2. Yep, Difference being Trump had the power to declassify she couldn’t but your right the hypocrisy is nauseating.
  3. I have always thought the same thing Hagar. Odd isn’t it.
  4. I don’t watch the news anymore, thanks for posting. Go Pirates!🏴‍☠️
  5. No one is answering because your asking a question that is not provable without a investigation that the lawyer knowingly lied. You know? Innocent till proven guilty. Just because a news article says someone lied doesn’t make it so. On another note where are the affidavits to even get a warrant? You have to have probable cause to raid a Presidents Home which has never been done in American history. I am hearing that the Affidavit was Hearsay, you know 2nd hand information. Which is not solid grounds to do what the FBI did. I know…I know, No One is Above The Law…Vomit I'm telling you, President Trump will not be convicted and will not be jailed. This is all nonsense. You can ask all the dumb questions you want but it’s not going to change a thing.
  6. New Breaking News Big Girl! UPDATE: It has been revealed that Donald Trump was housing a private server @ Mar-a-Lago & hired a close associate to wipe it clean with computer software.The FBI also found gov’t phones which were smashed to prevent evidence from being discovered. Just Kidding! That was Hillary Clinton.
  7. Have charges been filed on the lawyer for wrong doing? If so what are those charges? Did the lawyer knowing do what Big Girl says they did? You’ve have totally missed the Big Picture of what’s been obliviously going on in this country the last 5 years. Sorry but I can’t help lazy,sleepy,blind sheep. We’re to far pass that point, live in the mud hole you’ve mentally made for yourself.
  8. INCOMING… Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump The FBI has a long and unrelenting history of being corrupt. Just look back to the days of J. Edgar Hoover. In the modern era, nothing has changed except that it has gotten far worse. Look at Comey, McCabe, Strzok and lover Lisa Page. Check out the brilliantly written but damning I.G. Reports. See what they were willing to do in order to get Crooked Hillary Clinton elected (they failed), and got caught! They spied on my campaign, pushed the FAKE Dossier, and illegally used the FISA Court... The Inspector General said the FBI acted with "gross incompetence and negligence." I was fully vindicated in the Russia, Russia, Russia SCAM, the "No Collusion" Mueller Investigation, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and all else. NOW THEY RAID MY HOME, ban my lawyers and, without any witnesses allowed, break the lock that they asked us to install on the storage area that we showed them early on, which held papers that they could have had months ago for the asking, and without... ....the ridiculous political grandstanding of a "break in" to a very storied, important, and high visibility place, just before the Midterm Elections. The whole World was watching as the FBI rummaged through the house, including the former First Lady's closets (and clothing!), alone and unchecked. They even demanded that the security cameras be turned off (we refused), but there was no way of knowing if what they took was legitimate, or was there a "plant?" This was, after all, the FBI! Oh great! It has just been learned that the FBI, in its now famous raid of Mar-a- Lago, took boxes of privileged "attorney-client" material, and also "executive" privileged material, which they knowingly should not have taken. By copy of this TRUTH, I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!
  9. EXCLUSIVE: National Archives and Media Caught in a Lie - Evidence Shows Obama Did Have Classified Docs and There is Absolutely No Way to Prove He Didn't [Hidden Content] Tit for Tat. Only thing that’s going to happen to your Daddy Trump is that he is going to run for President and will win a 3rd term. Cry Harder
  10. [Hidden Content] Selections not Elections
  11. You remind me of Lucy and Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown always believes Lucy is going to hold the football so he can kick it and she pulls it away every time. Oh boy Trump has done it now, there going to get him….NOT! Lol
  12. Agree on all above but except I do believe he’s running again and will win a 3rd Term.
  13. Just remember the Coyote never catches the Roadrunner but you can get super excited if you want too. 😂😂
  14. Not a single arrest by the FBI or DOJ of the scumbags who went to Epstein’s pedo island. That tells you everything you need to know.
  15. Some new information coming out. Should be interesting. Tune in at RSBN Network. Your not going to see this on Fox News. Here’s some info for CB, Big Girl and 46thSucks.
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