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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Desantis is a great Governor but he’s not even close of being the front runner to Trump for being President. Plus he’s a politician. In other words he’s not a threat to the establishment Dumb Dumb. Any other Dumb *** questions?
  2. Breaking … Liberals having been crying about Trump for 24 hours straight - and we’re still in the Biden recession. LOOK SQUIRREL!
  3. How's that FBI investigation of the SCOTUS leaker going? Any raids yet?
  4. F the rabbit, How many times are Democrats gonna cry Orange Man had to have done something wrong, we just got to find it. You fall for it every time, Like a Dog in heat that has TDS.
  5. After yesterday’s BS he may end up with 90 million votes an win a 3rd term then you’ll be SYFH not knowing what happened, kinda like now.
  6. The “Inflation Reduction Act” gives the IRS $80 billion in new funding. Russia’s entire military budget is only $66 billion. Let that sink in.
  7. Trump released this campaign ad right after the raid on his home yesterday. A Nation in Decline.
  8. We know the federal judge who authorized the FBI raid was a lawyer for Jeffrey Epstein’s entourage. I wonder if he was also on Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s CLIENT LIST. If so, we would understand how he might be deeply obliged to the Deep State for concealing his identity.
  9. People who HAVEN'T been raided by the FBI: - Pedophiles associated with Jeffrey Epstein - Hillary Clinton - Hunter Biden - Swalwell for sleeping with a Chinese spy
  10. Well….all I can say is the Democrat Party just unleashed the Lion… as in We The People with this BS raid along with all the other treasonous acts it’s committed the last year and a half. Cardinalbacker karma is coming alright…..an it’s going to be delicious.
  11. Was he convicted of your fairy tale accusation? Believe me if he did what you said he did, he wouldn’t have gotten a pass. That statement alone is just plain STUPID in Trumps case.
  12. From the FBI website. Our Vision Ahead of the threat Our Mission Protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States Our Priorities Protect the U.S. from terrorist attack Protect the U.S. against foreign intelligence, espionage, and cyber operations Combat significant cyber criminal activity Combat public corruption at all levels Protect civil rights Combat transnational criminal enterprises Combat significant white-collar crime - Combat significant violent crime They’ve failed miserably!!
  13. Listen to this ad released right after the KGB …I mean FBI raid. Lol [Hidden Content]
  14. Just call it like I see it, glad we agree on your stupidity.
  15. Your post has zero context and makes zero sense. ULTRA TDS!!!
  16. Maybe he’s saving them for his Presidential Library like many Presidents before him. Lol This man has been spied on for no reason since before he came down the escalator to announce his first run for President by the DOJ,FBI, and the Obama Administration an it hasn’t stopped. Total BS! Didn’t see y’all running your soup blowers when he was found innocent on impeachment 1, impeachment 2, and the Russian Hoax. This is one of the darkest days in history in regards to your personal freedoms an some of you fools are to ignorant to see it.
  17. They better have something very REAL on Trump or the FBI just re-elected him in 24. His supporters, Hell even people who don’t necessarily support him, are PISSED. Only a moron wouldn’t see this as a gross abuse of power. For 7 years - from before Trump was elected to after the 2020 election was stolen - every single day - we’ve watched Deep State, MSM, all Dem electeds, many R electeds, work to destroy him. Today was next level. Tens of millions of Americans are getting more and more pissed.
  18. His daddy doesn’t even know he’s serving a first term but the American people sure an the Hell does.
  19. Was it the same judges that issued the FISA WARRANTS for the Russia Hoax? All that money wasted at UT an this is what you come up with? What law has he broken? Your making a ignorant post without even knowing what law he has broken. What is it this JAYWALKING? There looking for a crime. Are you that blind? I know…I know… Nancy Pelosi no one is above the law. Vomit…Vomit. Like LF said, definitely Indoctrinated.
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