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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. It’s also called a Liar and Evil.
  2. Vidor dealt with that for a long time. It’s tough when other schools have 400,500,600 more kids to choose from to build a football team.
  3. Dr. Deborah Birx 2020: "To truly achieve herd immunity... that's getting 70-80% of Americans immunized." Dr. Deborah Birx 2022: "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccine."
  4. The most secure and honest election in History. 😂
  5. Joe Biden said the Covid was a "pandemic of the unvaccinated". What, then, is Monkey Pox?
  6. The vote against Trump to get him out of office is funny. Trump picked up 12 million MORE votes than he picked up in 2016…TWELVE MILLION! Of course it was a record turn out 😂 Millions and Millions and Millions of mail in ballots were sent out to people who didn’t even request them.😂
  7. So much of where we are now is because Barack Obama spent 8 years packing every level of government with communist subversives and saboteurs. He put all the pieces in place. They kneecapped Trump‘a presidency from within and now they’re Biden’s hatchet men.
  8. This Poll was taken by Politico 7/15-17
  9. Great President with a great sense of Humor. 😂
  10. Well…. If your 5”6 / 190lbs… I’d say your shaped like a Box. 😂 Let me guess… you bench 400lbs too. 😂
  11. It came out this morning that monkey pox is spread by gay men having sex. The main stream news media fails to report that fact. They don’t want to offend the homosexual community.
  12. A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated! 😂🤡
  13. Not political but had to post it! Happy Monday Morning! 😂
  14. [Hidden Content] Green Energy is Good !😂
  15. Doesn’t surprise me. Nothing but Respect for the men and women in Blue. Hope no one was hurt.
  16. For those keeping score, you get a free pass for executing unarmed Trump supporters in the Capitol but you go to jail for ignoring a Congressional subpoena.
  17. I still can't believe how many people fell for the mask scam. And how many continue to. It was ALWAYS security theatre and a way to escalate people along the compliance ladder. The most protected man in the world just got COVID, but go on with your masking. It will probably work out for you. Smh
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