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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. After shutting down our own production, the basement dummy is over in Saudi begging them for oil. What a worthless POS!
  2. Under President Trump we went from Record-Low gas prices and Number 1 oil producer to... They cancelled our pipelines They cancelled our leases They're targeting our biggest oil field in Texas And they're selling our strategic reserves to China to a Biden-linked firm This is sabotage from within via a corrupt ruling class that sold our country out decades ago.
  3. Highly respected former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, who has headed a major investigation into Voter Fraud, has strongly suggested that State Legislatures seek to decertify the Election results. The victory for Republicans was, without doubt, substantial, as opposed to the very close result that was reported, with Biden eking it out. Other States are finding likewise, and some want to correct the situation. With corrupt Elections and Open Borders, we don’t have a Country. “In the opinion issued Friday, Justice Bradley compared Wisconsin’s elections to contests rigged by dictators in Syria and North Korea and questioned whether past elections in the state had been legitimate. “Thousands of votes have been cast via this unlawful method, thereby directly harming the Wisconsin voters, she wrote. “The illegality of these dropboxes weakens the people’s faith that the election produced an outcome reflective of their will. The Wisconsin voters, and all lawful voters, are injured when the institution charged with administering Wisconsin elections does not follow the law, leaving the results in question.” I hope other States that have been likewise corrupted, are studying the Wisconsin decision.
  4. They said Noah was crazy. Then the rain came & the Fact Checkers drowned. The End
  5. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 These tyrants are relentless.
  6. If you hate Trump after this 18 mo. 💩show your commitment to stupidity is impressive.
  7. Breaking - today at the January 6th committee, a witness will explain how he heard Trump rode a grizzly bear to the steps of the Capital and beat up 1,000 capital police using his newly obtained ninja skills. Afterwards, a spaceship landed and aliens from Uranus joined the fight.
  8. Breaking -today at the January 6th committee, a Liz Cheney witness will explain how she heard Trump rode a Russian tank to the Capital steps - then led a team of Velociraptors and Bigfoot who kicked in the Capital front door thus destroying our belief in democracy.
  9. Inflation is in effect a hidden tax. The money that people have saved is robbed of part of its purchasing power, which is quietly transferred to the government that issues new money. Thomas Sowell
  10. It is not merely that Johnny can’t read, or even that Johnny can’t think. Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is, because thinking is so often confused with feeling in many public schools. - Thomas Sowell
  11. They could close all of them an it wouldn’t bother me one bit. Their overpriced burnt coffee and liberal mindset as a company does nothing for me.
  12. People can criticize Trump all they want but they can’t criticize his America First Policies. An your right, I’ve never this seen before either. Good clip.
  13. Who the undercover FBI that was in the crowd. That’s appalling, I can’t believe someone would say something like that. I am sure a Democrat would never be that offensive. By the way that’s Trumps head that the liberal nut job is holding.
  14. “If elections are conducted outside of the law, the people have not conferred their consent on the government. Such elections are unlawful and their results are illegitimate”. —Justice Rebecca Bradley, Wisconsin Supreme Court #2000Mules
  15. This is what happens when you order a President thru the mail.
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