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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Unwoke


    We want lose any sleep either. Good Night InMagaWeTrust.
  2. Unwoke


    I thought you said you wasn’t InMagaWeTrust? Lol 💯🎯
  3. Unwoke


    InMagaWeTrust is getting upset. Lol
  4. This has been the greatest week of Trump’s second term.😎
  5. The Jan6th hearings are basically an updated Russia Collusion Hoax with a new topic. That's how Democrats signal that they know they can't compete on policy and competence. They need hoaxes to win.
  6. Your definitely more versed and experienced in law than me, I was just throwing in my 2 cents. An it’s probably not worth 2 cents. Lol. Those are great points you brought up though.
  7. The woman is sharp and strong minded. I like the way she carries herself. Pretty lady I might add.
  8. My guess is that SCOTUS will rule for WV. However, I don't know if it will be a narrow ruling, or a broad decision. The case could upend the the administrative state, or it could just gut the EPA. A wide ruling, declaring that agencies do not have regulatory powers seems unlikely, because it would fall upon Congress to suddenly actually run the government. That would lead to a complete reshuffling of staff and require them to work together. Will SCOTUS do that? Dunno. Perhaps they will handcuff Biden's EPA and leave the bigger regulatory questions for down the road, signaling its coming. Whatever happens, this Supreme Court is already the most conservative in a century imo.
  9. Your hilarious! Do the numbers on a healthy family versus a family with preexisting conditions like cancer. Their premiums will be much higher. As far as car insurance. Go get a policy after having 3 wrecks in 3 years an their all your fault versus some who has a clean driving record. I promise you the high risk individual is about to get Gouged on his rates deservingly so. Oh an by the way providers ( Doctor Groups) aren’t obligated to take crap insurance policies so your point is moot.
  10. Wrong! Healthy 22 yr olds on a individual policy do not pay the same as your Buttermilk A**. They pay more than before the Unaffordable Care Act was implemented but not the same as you. Hey genius, why did the government have to pass a law to force companies to do what their purpose was in the 1st place?
  11. No Fool, he’s been living in our pockets. One man doesn’t control the 3 branches of government. It’s amazing how the Republican Party has plenty of RINO’s to undercut the Republican agenda but the Democrat party doesn’t have any DINO’s to undercut there agenda. Lol . It want be funny when you and your family doesn’t have good health insurance thru your company because they can’t afford it anymore to keep the shareholders happy an you have to go to a one payer crappy government health care system like Canada. 😎
  12. But in this situation they forced private profit making companies to bail out people in a bad situation. In turn they destroyed the health care industry which was Obama’s plan from the get go so we could go to a one payer system through the Government.
  13. So your saying the health insurance rates would be the same for a individual wanting health insurance that has cancer as opposed to someone who doesn’t have cancer with the implementation of the Unaffordable Care Act? Your kidding right? Companies were forced to Jack up the rates on everyone due to this Horrible Act that was passed by calling it a tax. How twisted can you get . The government put their thumb on the scale of private businesses forcing them to Jack up the Health Insurance rates. That’s a Fact.
  14. No sir, my understanding is this next year Vidors enrollment numbers are dropping even more.
  15. Most insurance companies has always had a high risk pool for people with pre existing conditions you just had to pay a enormous amount of money to be covered so with the Unaffordable Care Act now EVERYONE has to pay an enormous amount money to be covered. So let’s screw up everyones health insurance to cover a small high risk preexisting pool of people. You cannot force a private company to take on a customer that they know their going to lose money on, so the companies said ok we’ll just Jack up everyones rates to cover preexisting conditions. That’s such a awesome good thing the Democrats did. Lol That is like demanding a insurance company cover all your home damage after a hurricane , even though you didn’t have insurance with them before the hurricane hit. Smh
  16. Dang….only 32!? That’s a slow weekend in Chicago. Maybe they need stricter guns laws. Oh that’s right, they already have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.
  17. Yes he has! Satan and his Imps are not happy an I Love it!
  18. Vidor will be League Villains again, as they are every year. I like that there not in the top 20. Slot-T Mafia Baby! Go Pirates!🏴‍☠️
  19. Daddy T is living rent free in that Hollow Tank Head of his. 😂
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