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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. 5’6 !!!! That explains it all about you!! 😂😂Little man syndrome! 😂😂 So who won out of that fight? You or your Wife?😂
  2. Video of 46th Sucks aka (InMagaWeTrust) showing off his fighting Skillz. 😂
  3. Your Daddy T will be on the Ballot, get over it. Go head an vote your ignorance. It’s probably safe to say no one here really cares how you vote if you even vote at all. 😂
  4. Like I said this is your party. Vote for them D’s and embrace them. She seems like a virtuous representative.
  5. Companies paying for abortions in order to save money on maternity leave is not brave it's dystopian corporate psychopathy.
  6. The T Daddy Syndrome makes him that way. His ignorance is what makes him angry.
  7. There must not have been any undercover FBI agents there to break thru the windows for the pro choice protesters or unlock the doors to let them in.
  8. These Democrat voters seem like reasonable people. 🤪
  9. I don’t think she’s happy with the Roe v Wade decision. Demon possessed imo.
  10. I thought you were going to go spend time with your family today and laugh your A** off at lower income people that can’t afford to fill up their cars with gas an tell them to quit griping about prices?
  11. I get it….you have no answer. Elmer Fudd could have got us out of that so called depression. My grand parents lived through the depression. They were alive when Obama took office an they laughed at the analogy you just gave. If you want to voluntarily send in more money to the IRS because of the intentional inflation(tax) without legislation being pushed on this country nobody is stopping you but I Bet you want. As for price’s, regardless of what party is in charge they are suppose to look after the best interest of “We The People “ that’s means people of all income levels. Your comments on prices is typical of a self centered liberal who cares only about themselves until it starts affecting them. My family is taken care of but there’s a lot of families that are hurting really bad due to this intentional pain that is being brought on by this Fake Administration.
  12. I can see the difference Obama made….. My health insurance policy went from almost $500.00 a month to almost $2000.00 thanks to the unaffordable health care act. You’ve never heard me praise Bush try again. Quit trying to change the subject of what good the D’s have done the last 10 years. Heck the country could have went on autopilot an corrected itself after the stock market crash when bush was in office. The stock market went from 7900 to 19,000 while Obama was in office. Trump took it from 19,000 to over 30,000 while he was in office. That’s like taking over a NFL team that went 0 and 16 the previous season then getting them to 8 and 8, whoopty do! Hell all you can do is go up. Lol. Try taking over a team 8 and 8 an get’em them to 15 and 1 or 14 an 2. Now that’s what I call results. To set the record straight I don’t worship D’s, R’s, or Presidents. I am a independent conservative who admires results an Trump produced them. That’s why this thread was started. Ignore that fact all you want. Now back to being on topic. This is why you don’t give the left a centimeter. She’s spot on.
  13. Unfortunately their were a lot of D’s wearing R’s that kept that from happening. Democrat John McCain being the main one. Fortunately Trump took care of the veterans with the Mission Act that allows veterans to see civilian doctors instead of having to go to the VA. That was a huge accomplishment when look at crappy care our veterans we’re getting especially under Barack Hussein Obama. [Hidden Content]
  14. I am still waiting for one good thing the D’s did that was good for the American people 10 of those 14 years? Your real good about not answering the question.
  15. Obama destroyed health care in this country for millions of Americans including me. The Obama crap care is useless with incredibly high deductibles. You have to get ran over by a truck to actually get some kind of use out of it. Birth certificates have nothing to do with helping Americans. Again…still waiting.
  16. Give me one good thing the D’s have done for the American people in those 10 years, especially the last 2 years that they’ve held office illegitimately?
  17. Ole one termer has liberals melting down as we speak including you. They have been losing their minds over him since he came down the escalator an announced he was running for President in 2015. He seems to have a magic power over ignorant people that just drives them crazy like you. 😂Your just so beside your self that all you can come up with is one termer. You must have nightmares of Daddy T. 😂
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