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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. It’s not a prediction. I believe it’s fact Jack. Lol
  2. Nope…..still can’t stop from laughing about Joe Biden telling black people they ain’t black unless they vote for him. In other words he was saying you can’t think for yourself an you better not get off that plantation.
  3. Actually I am more impressed with the fact your wife is a female. You had me fooled. He actually got 2% more of the black vote than he did in 2016. Democrats did a good job of keeping blacks on the plantation. Joe Biden literally told blacks that they weren’t black unless they voted for him. How degrading can you get. Of course the out right thievery of stop counting the votes when Trump was way head in the swing states is what put numb nuts over the top. Lol …..Look what the trash in office has done to this country. Boy that was a smart move. They really showed him. Stolen elections have consequences…..hence the country is being destroyed intentionally. Congratulations.
  4. Princess he is nobody’s hero. He’s just a man that actually put America first in his policies an had America humming before the plandemic hit in order to steal the election. Most uninformed people like you can’t see that because of your sensitive nature of being such a snowflake. Be careful, you might get yourself to excited with your TDS an have to get yet another new IP ADDRESS.
  5. I just don’t understand why the city of Uvalde would do that. Not hating on the police it just looks and sounds fishy. Maybe tvc can shed some light on what’s coming out.
  6. Yep…That’s Mr. Sucks aka InMagaweTrust.
  7. The city of Uvalde has hired a private firm to prevent video and audio records from the shooting being made public. Something doesn’t seem right.
  8. Ok Keyboard Princess. Your wife is white and female? I am impressed. I don’t know what the color of her skin has to do with anything but …ok.
  9. That’s just a demo. They will be heated on.
  10. I wish they’d keep the gold anchor and chain on the helmets along with the side decals that they change on the side of the helmets periodically. I am with you, I really like the chain & anchor.
  11. If you are confused why Colbert's staff got a slap on the wrist but the J6 detainees are still behind bars then you haven't been paying attention.
  12. What you should be questioning and should be very troubling to you is the fact that Twitter who is protected by section 230 is allowed to remove the 45th President of the United States off of its platform for really no good reason while allowing alright lies and trash on their platform. If they lost their section 230 protection they would go out of business from all the law suits that would be filed against them. Censoring the conservative voice does not make the liberal voice any truer. The left can not debate or win on ideas because their argument is so ridiculous. The left is always pushing equality until it comes to conservatives. Liberal hypocrisy is a disease.
  13. Yep….the same way his foot gets caught in his mouth an can’t speak. That doesn’t happen to everyone.
  14. How do you wreck a fully stopped bike?
  15. He No Comprende, too Loco….Nuttier than a Squirrel Turd.
  16. Actually they kinda remind me of a branch of FBI and DOJ. Corruption meet Corruption. Lol
  17. Maybe a Bowl movement. Corrupt and Racist.
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