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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Yep, the guy has been out of office almost 2 years an they’re still trying to take him down. You know why? Because he’s still a huge threat to him. Of course your too blind to see that Mr. 1 thru 46th Sucks. Lol
  2. You know what’s so amazing about your mainstream view of Trump is that even though it has came out the FBI AND DOJ tried to take down a incoming president and sitting president you still seem to be ok with that. That speaks volumes of your incompetence of what’s been going on for the last 5 years or so. Or your hate for Trump is so bad you would just rather watch the country burn. You would be a model Chinese citizen since your so good at believing propaganda. Lol
  3. Just a reminder: Trump Won the last election. Cry harder. Lol. Maybe Desantis will accept the VP position maybe he want but if he does the Left including you will lose your minds. Thanks for your political insight Mr. I’ve never voted because I am waiting for the perfect candidate that doesn’t exist. 😂 Of course if the voter integrity issue isn’t addressed and they send out millions of mail in ballots that no one requested then all bets are off for any Republican to win.
  4. Trump will ask Desantis to be his VP IMO. Trump serves 4 more years then Desantis has the opportunity to serve 8 more years. 3..2..1 Cry Harder.
  5. Despite a deranged leftist trying to MURDER Justice Kavanaugh at his home today, a Leftist group is being allowed to protest in front of his home. January 6 is happening every day in front of the SCOTUS and at their private homes.
  6. The Democrats in the House just passed a bill where you can join the military for 2 years at 18, spend two years fighting a war for the USA - then get out of the military, and you're still not old enough to buy a legal gun. What a bunch of clowns.
  7. Agreed, then you just have those people that have no mental problems an then one day they just snap an go off the deep end.
  8. That’s a 23 year old clip. Lol. Heck back in 1999 I was pro choice before I got saved an God opened my eyes to the fact that abortion was wrong. You act like God can’t change people. There are a lot other desires that he took out of my life an I am grateful for it. Your real good about pulling out that broad brush an painting a huge swath of the population with it.
  9. Our government who cares so much about your well-being allows Tobacco companies to make billions of dollars in profit each year knowing that the product they sell kills 480,000 people a year. It even says it on the side of the package. Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.1,6 Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause the following:1 More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke) 278,544 deaths annually among men (including deaths from secondhand smoke) 201,773 deaths annually among women (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
  10. Do we need a test to weed out alcoholics to prevent them from buying alcohol so they don’t go out an kill a innocent family driving down the road? Mind boggling that all 50 states don’t require an I.D. so you can prove who you are in order to vote in this country.
  11. Like tvc said….where do you draw the line on who has mental health issues and who sets the standard that someone has mental health issues?
  12. Remember 2 weeks to flatten the curve? Remember them wanting to make it mandatory to get the vaccine? Remember all the people that lost their job for refusing the Jab? Don’t give these people a INCH!! Shall not be infringed. Go ahead an SYFH all you want. As I’ve said before Secure entry points at schools and arm teachers that want to be armed.
  13. I’m not going to cut off my own penis in order to stop other rapes. I’m not going to give up my own car to stop others drunk driving. I’m not going to keep my own hands in my pockets to stop other assaults. And I’m not giving up my own guns because others commit murders.
  14. Bingo! IMO you can’t be for abortion an be a Christian.
  15. He must not be kin to Cracker Jack.😁
  16. I miss Aunt Jemima! I bet her family is missing those royalties too.
  17. Where you at Bobcat? Cat got your tongue? Lol
  18. Saw this elsewhere, If you make $15 an hour, you bring home on average, $9 per hour after taxes and insurance. Most people work 40 hours per week, and according to the department of Energy, Americans purchase 40 gallons of gas a week minimum. This means after you pay for gas each week, you bring home $4 an hour. Anyone that makes minimum wage, is only paying for gas, that's it. When everyone voted for Biden because he promised wages of $15 an hour, did you think things like gas would stay at $2 per gallon. You now make less money today than you did 2 years ago, and if you make minimum wage, in another few weeks, you will start to pay to go to work Congratulations, your uneducated vote has lowered your household net income.
  19. I am not denying Joe Biden received 81 million votes. I am actually denying that Joe Biden received 81 million votes from 81 million people.
  20. Joe Biden laid off 11,000 Keystone XL pipeline workers just to beg Saudi Arabia for oil.
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