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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. No one is surprised Pookie but please keep on with your nonsensical Jibberish. Maybe you need to change your name to 1 to 46thSucks. Lol
  2. Your spot Hagar but you’ll have the FORUM FOOL get on here an say “see he wasn’t guilty”, despite having all the receipts and evidence needed to convict him. You could literally have video of the wrong doing an the FORUM FOOL would say what? Lol
  3. Breaking … Red itchy butt rash now has a higher approval rating than Joe Biden.
  4. God doesn’t choose Perfect Men. He chooses Men Perfect for the Job. The electoral system doesn’t even know who you are. You’ve never voted. 😂 Please continue with your Rainbows and Unicorns Candidate.😂
  5. Drove thru Uvalde yesterday afternoon. Very sombering seeing all the Memorials through out the town but very uplifting to see many church ministries and other people out supporting these families and this town. Continuing prayers.
  6. Greater hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 Thank You to the Gold Star families of this Country. We are forever Grateful. 🇺🇸
  7. The border is wide open thanks to Biden of course people are pouring into Texas. It’s not by accident. I don’t need to wake up Pookie but thanks for the advice.
  8. Lesser of two evils. How worn out is that phrase. You had a career politician of 40 plus years that never accomplish nothing for the people and a billionaire playboy who had plenty of success in business runs an wins the presidency, takes the biggest paycut in history to become president. Donates his entire salary to charity the 4 years in office. Accomplishes a long list of achievements for the American people an you don’t know who to vote for because you think he’s evil. Lol. We all have fallen short as individuals. That started with Adam and Eve. Get over yourself. 😂
  9. I don’t disagree with your statement but I’d rather have 20 staff members armed on a school campus than zero, with zero they have no chance imo. I am not saying it’s the total solution but I think it can help along with securing entry points to the school and classrooms.
  10. We’ll for the 3rd time I am not a keyboard warrior who is the last Presidential Candidate or Write In that you voted for? Good Grief!
  11. So who’s the last President you voted for? Are you too embarrassed to say? Lol Enough with the love for another dude nonsense, your TDS is coming out again. You can thank the Treasonous Traitor John McCain for the Health Care Debacle. There are a large portion of the Republicans that are part of the Uniparty. Honestly our government is so corrupt at this point I don’t know if it’s fixable. Trump exposed just how corrupt our government is an that’s a fact. If your too blind to see then I can’t help you.
  12. It’s almost like Orange Man knew the future. 😂 They just didn’t want to listen. 😂😂 An no one will give Trump credit for that prediction an many other predictions he got right. Like his presidential campaign and presidency being spied on!
  13. 😂😂😂 The Media created that chant. That reporter knew exactly what the crowd was saying an she decided to be dishonest an add her own interpretation of what she thought they we’re saying. Since your standards are so high…cough..cough Lol. Whose the last perfect Presidential Candidate you voted for? Side note: Laughter is food for the Soul, even if it’s laughing at yourself. Lighten up , Now your a Double Hater. Lol
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