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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Your right. Not a Inch! Like LumRaider Fan stated “Enough will never be enough with the left when it comes to gun control “ I believe that 💯 %.
  2. Quick call your Congressman an show him or her what you found so they can start trying to chop away at the 2nd Amendment. You are obviously someone who thinks we need the government help us save our selves from ourselves. Criminals do not follow LAWS Period.
  3. It’s a article from a law firm. What’s your explanation?
  4. If your Pro 2nd Amendment then why do want to start chopping away it?
  5. So now what is it you are showing me from this article written by criminalattorneycincinnati.com? What does the D and R represent in reference to each state? A Republican State whose 3 biggest cities in those states are ran by Democrat mayors, prosecutors, and judges? Just want to make sure I understand you correctly. My post was addressing the deadliest cities with gun related homicides. They are ran and controlled by Democrats. I never said anything about states.
  6. He’s looking for another article written by a law firm.
  7. Kinda busy at work right now as I too work for a living. I’ll dig into your little article to fit your narrative later but this is from your own article that you posted. “While many factors may impact why one state has a higher homicide rate than another, it’s hard to deny that gun violence in America needs to be addressed.”
  8. Kinda busy at work right now as I too work for a living. I’ll dig into your little article to fit your narrative later but this is from your own article that you posted. “While many factors may impact why one state has a higher homicide rate than another, it’s hard to deny that gun violence in America needs to be addressed.”
  9. Kinda busy at work right now as too work for a living. I dig into your little article to fit your narrative later but this is from your own article that you posted. While many factors may impact why one state has a higher homicide rate than another, it’s hard to deny that gun violence in America needs to be addressed.
  10. Heck why don’t we go a head an make it to where all cars sold must only produce enough hp power to go 55 mph. Who needs a car with 700 Hp that goes 200 mph. We can go all day with this silliness. There’s plenty of innocent people that get killed each year by drunk drivers driving sports cars.
  11. I know lots!! Arm teachers that want to be armed it’s there choice.
  12. We’ll while it’s coming. The 2nd Amendment wasn’t created just for school shootings. It was created to protect us against a tyrannical government. Regardless what’s coming it doesn’t change that fact. Tighten up entry points at schools, arm teachers but leave law abiding gun owners out of it.
  13. Can you define the difference between the security our US Congress receives and our school children receive? The only way J6 protesters got into the Capitol building was someone press the button to open the magnetic doors to let them in. There’s other ways to address the problem rather than chip away at law abiding citizens rights to bear arms. Our Congress just sent 40 billion dollars to a country hardly anyone can find on a map. That money could have went to secure the school structure of schools across this country. I repeat it’s not a gun problem. It’s a heart problem and break down of the family structure problem.
  14. What’s an assault rifle? Those cities have the highest homicide rates that are gun related an the strictest gun laws in the US. Aren’t all criminals that shoot people for know reason wether it be on the street or a school idiots?
  15. Like I said in my original post. Criminals love strict gun laws. I never said anything about the UK or Australia, Bobcat was making the ridiculous comparison. I don’t see the UK or Australia in our Constitution. I repeat….SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
  16. If you think the government that just spent two years masking, force vaccinating and threatening your children—driving up youth suicide rates and drug overdoses— If you think that government wants gun control to keep them safe, you are utterly delusional. Not one inch. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
  17. Still waiting Bobcat…..Chicago the first city had 800 homicides in 2021, 90% of them were gun related. Chicago has some the strictest gun laws in the country. Like I said criminals love strict gun laws. Law abiding gun owners are not the problem. [Hidden Content]
  18. Then what seems to be the problem with these 100% Democrat controlled cities with the strictest gun laws? Like - Chicago, NYC, LA, Baltimore, Detroit, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Seattle, Portland, and on, and on, and on. I will wait…..
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