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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. We could go back to Cain and Abel. All he needed was a rock. Hate has been around a long time. The break down of the family is the root of most of this country’s problems. The unconditional love of Jesus Christ in an individual’s heart can solve this country’s problems. Always enjoy reading your insight on these type of matters tvc. Your experience and knowledge is appreciated.
  2. If Democrat voters don't like current gun laws, they should move to 100% Democrat controlled cities with the strictest gun laws so they'll be safe. Like - Chicago, NYC, LA, Baltimore, Detroit, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Seattle, Portland, and on, and on, and on.
  3. After Sandy Hook it was shown how to armor up schools. No one could find the budget for this. $40,000,000,000 for the war machine was printed out in a day. Just the world we live in. Sad. But solutions are there. The government doesn’t care.
  4. No kidding. I thought there were only 2 amendments. Good Grief! You still never answered my question as to what would happen to this country if we lost the full protection of the 1st and 2nd amendment. There’s a reason why they are the first 2 amendments. Take away those 2 an nothing else matters.
  5. As I said earlier. You can’t legislate hate in some one’s heart if you try eventually you’ll have a communist government. I think I’ll pass. Look at the destruction the government did with Covid.
  6. Sure. Commercial airlines are as accessible as getting a gun. Lol
  7. Yep, don’t you know that Guns have a mind of their own and they shoot by themselves?
  8. Just for my knowledge. What happens to this country if we lose full protection of the 1st and 2nd amendment of the Constitution of the United States?
  9. If we’re talking about a True conservative Republican. I would say to honor their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States an not chop away at the 1st and 2nd Amendment.
  10. There’s a lot you don’t get. Carry on.
  11. You addressed me. If someone else made a comparison then that’s their opinion. Address them. It’s not a far fetched comparison. Innocent life is being taken. So what’s your point? This why your side can’t be taken seriously.
  12. I haven’t said one thing about abortion. Take that nonsense elsewhere, like to the abortion thread.
  13. Thank You, the Right refuses to negotiate with Stupid an that’s blaming each other? How’s that work?
  14. Your correct, it wouldn’t completely stop the shooting from taking place but I believe it could minimize the deaths. Every life saved is worth teachers being allowed to be armed at school. Like I mentioned earlier. Do you think that individual would go to a gun show an start shooting people? Most likely not but if he did he most certainly would know he’s about to commit suicide. My point is that these cowards go into schools knowing they can do mass damage but if it was put out to the public in that community that the school teachers in that district are packing then I think they would think twice about it. But that’s just my opinion. It has to be gut wrenching thinking about what those families are going through this morning. Prayers for these families.
  15. The end goal of the Democrats is…wait for it…. to·tal·i·tar·i·an·ism /tōˌtaləˈterēəˌnizəm/ Learn to pronounce noun a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.
  16. You can’t legislate the hate in an individual’s heart. It’s a heart problem, not a gun problem. There’s armed Air Marshals on flights, we need armed school teachers in our schools. Teachers should be given that freedom to arm themselves. If teachers don’t want arm themselves they should be given that freedom too.
  17. All day , Every day. I’ve never seen a mass shooting at a Gun Show….Just Sayin
  18. Ukraine: such a violent, dangerous, war torn country that EVERY American politician can casually fly in, visit and get smiling photos with its president in the middle of the day... We should send them more money, you guys!!!!
  19. My wife just told me one of the adults killed is the grandmother of the shooter. Prayers for the Uvalde Families. I’ll be up there next week with my family on our annual Frio River get away. How heart breaking for those families. Arm Teachers.
  20. Abortions are healthcare like payday loans are retirement plans.
  21. Him along many other Presidents have ran their mouths about securing the Border for decades but only Trump put action to his words. If it’s his time to go, then…..We’ll Bye.
  22. Make that $800 more Dollars a Month in Gas.
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