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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Everything about the Left is Fake! IMO, I bet there’s more than 20% of Fake accounts. Nothing but a mirage to control the narrative. Lol
  2. Let’s not forget Obama bought a house in DC, an had a big wall put around it. IMO I think he’s the man behind the teleprompter along with other decisions being made. Nobody is this incompetent to making the decisions that have been made for this country, I believe this country is intentionally being destroyed.
  3. You know the Democrat Party has moved into clown world when the founder of an electric car company says he’s going to vote Republican in the next election. 😂😂
  4. Did u not read what the criteria was to be consider a person a mule? Hello….McFly!! The evidence is there to open up a full blown investigation whether you want to accept it or not. Let’s accept all the facts and evidence gathered an give it the same exposure and investigations as they did the Russia Russia Russia Hoax an see what they come up with. Smh Until you watch the whole documentary I don’t want to hear Jack from you. At that point maybe we can have a rational debate.
  5. I was being facetious hater 45. Happy you could see the obvious. If that was a Trump supporter he would have gotten the harshest sentence an then some.
  6. This just in: The Russia Russia Russia Hoax is being revived! lol I know that’s BS because the minimum criteria to be considered a mule is the mule had to go to a minimum of 10 different drop boxes to stuff ballots. So this individual went to 10 different drop boxes to drop off ballots for family members?😂😂 Nice try…try again. Better yet watch the documentary…open up your parachute mind an then you want have to make ignorant post like this one.
  7. State Video that took a year to get from the State where the voter fraud was committed and Geo Cellphone tracking that is accurate within inches showing mules stuffing a ballot box. Next you’ll tell me your your brother Jussie was innocent.😂 By the way this is the same technique the FBI used to falsely put many J6 protesters behind bars an are still behind bars for misdemeanors they committed. Your nothing more than a troll stirring up strife trying to get a rise out of posters.
  8. Twitter is going to become the story of Enron. Lying to shareholders and using false accounting of bot accounts to do so is dangerous territory.
  9. Imagine that….. The Fake President with Fake Voters has 22 million Fake Followers on Twitter.
  10. Dinesh just produced documentary he did do any of the investigative work. The evidence is there. Go watch the documentary an open up your parachute mind. Your refuting evidence that you haven’t even seen. Lol….Typical liberal. You believed the Russia Russia Russia Hoax with out any evidence an here you are not believing a documentary with evidence. 😂 [Hidden Content]
  11. 2000 Mules will be playing in Beaumont theaters this Friday. I plan to go see it. If anyone else wants to open their mind like a parachute😂, I recommend for you to go see it. Although I still don’t think Cardinalbacker has approved the sources that were used to put this documentary together so keep that in mind. Lol
  12. Shocking…..Imagine that. Getting played and paid.
  13. Unfortunately I think that parachute malfunctioned a long time ago.
  14. I think this great radio interview from a couple of weeks ago on the Michael Berry Show of a 72 year old black man addresses your post. But I am sure you want take the time to listen to it. It’s about 16 minutes long.
  15. Serious question: are the same generals who left $7 billion of US military equipment in Afghanistan going to be overseeing the $40 billion we are sending to Ukraine?
  16. Great interview of the investigator and founder of True the Vote about the behind the scenes making of 2000 miles. A must Watch.
  17. The Covid Game is Up! [Hidden Content]
  18. Yep…the $20 dollar bill is the new $10 dollar bill. I don’t know what happened a year and a half ago to cause the value of the dollar to go down. At this rate it’ll be a negative 101k. All being done intentionally…Smh
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