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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. A question that should follow the fair share statement should be what exact percentage is considered a fair share? You can never get a exact percentage from a liberal.
  2. I guess the fake Covid plandemic implemented by China and treasonous individuals in our federal, state, and county government didn’t have anything to do with the spending. Smh
  3. Zelensky suspended all opposition parties, took over all media, but the U.S. is sending him billions to "save Democracy." You cannot make this 💩 up!
  4. It took them a year just to get the state video of the drop boxes from the State. Imagine that. News flash Texas is not a swing state although there was plenty of thievery going on in Texas too. I do not believe in our institutions an they’ve given every reason not to believe in them these past 5 years. As I’ve said before Our federal government has become a organized crime family disguised as a democracy.
  5. Have you watched the documentary? Probably not…so here you are having diarrhea of the mouth about a subject you have yet to look into and watch to form a rational opinion about it. I think I call that Ad hominem. See if you can follow this UT. “2000 Mules” People have been asking me how my analyses align with what is shown in the 2000 Miles documentary. Actually, the stuffing shown is precisely the sort of thing I’ve been describing since December of 2020, but people have difficulty understanding it at first. Dennis Prager’s confusion in the piece illustrates this point. What you first need to understand is that every ballot received needs to be assigned to a person who is listed the voter rolls. The voter rolls are online, often in real time, and they are available to multiple entities, including the cheaters. If there aren’t enough voters listed in the rolls to obtain a desired outcome, then cheaters can add more. That’s why the voter rolls are so inflated in *every* state. It gives cheaters a larger credit line to work with. The electronic pollbooks tell you who has voted, who has ordered mail-in ballots, and who has not returned one. Often in real time. If insufficient mail-in ballots have been ordered, then the cheaters can order more. If the cheaters can’t harvest enough mail-in ballots, then the cheaters can print more. The machines tell you what the current tallies are, often in real time. Also, they sometimes manipulate the tallies and decide which voter a ballot is assigned to. The key to all this is access to information. Electronic, real-time information. That’s why the cheaters like centrally-controlled, electronic election systems. Then you just need a relatively few people to do the legwork, because computer algorithms can handle all of the accounting. Recounts do not expose ballot stuffing fraud, because ballots are anonymous. What matters is if the voter a particular ballot is assigned to actually completed that particular ballot. “It’s not how many times you count the cash in the register, it’s how many of the bills are counterfeit.” The solution is simple: Vote Amish. All paper, no machines. A single day, photo ID, hand-counting. Transparency. I like to say, “You could pay someone to raise your children, but things turn out far better if you do it yourself.” It’s the same with our elections… we’ve been paying other people to run them for far too long. The systems have become so complicated that the people running them don’t understand them, and have no chance of securing them. If we want our elections to have integrity, we need to run them with our own two hands. I’m pleased that the documentary was released, because it provides more evidence confirming the mathematics and canvassing evidence I and my colleagues have been presenting for some time, and continues to raise awareness that the 2020 General Election was stolen from the American people. And it’s not the first time. Dr Frank
  6. Anybody that sees the great new documentary , “2000 Mules”, who doesn’t believe the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen, is either a fool, very corrupt, or stupid. Republican “leadership” should act now and do something. Our Country is going to Hell! - Donald J. Trump
  7. The 8 years Obama was in office he weaponized the FBI, CIA, and DOJ against the American people. What could go wrong…..right?
  8. Not trying to hijack nothing, just pointing out your hypocrisy about stating truth and facts. Your more than welcome to respond in a appropriate thread. That’s why I said I am not trying to turn this into a political thread.
  9. Thank you for you political insight Jussie Jr. I find it very entertaining also.
  10. The 8 years Obama was in office he weaponized the FBI, CIA, and DOJ against the American people. What could go wrong…..right?
  11. [Hidden Content] True the Vote Is Pulling the Ripcord In a Q&A following the 2,000 Mules documentary, Gregg Philip’s noted that attorneys for Fox News are suppressing coverage of the film. “There’s lawyers and everybody else breathing down our neck. Fox’s lawyers are keeping it off Fox.” To fight back, True the Vote has decided to “pull the ripcord.” At the end of the movie, a QR code links to a short video by True the Vote explaining what comes next. “We’re going to publish every single finding that we have. Every single minute of video. Every single conclusion that we have… Let’s fight!”
  12. 😂😂😂 Most Secure Election in American History! 😂😂😂
  13. Just making my point. I accept his opinion but let’s not be hypocritical when trying to push truth. I am already ready for some football.😎
  14. Not to turn this into a political thread but talk about posting truth and facts. Aren’t you the same guy that was pushing the effectiveness of the vaccine? Over the past year or so I think we’ve learned they’re obviously not that effective an in fact harmful in many cases. Where did you get the truth and facts to post such a bogus narrative?
  15. Like I said this Coach is of strong character that I’ve known for 30 plus years. At this point in the situation I see no reason for him to lie to me. It all worked out for the best for him and his family. I’ve already had one poster who has said they were well aware of the way things went down private message me from this board an validate my post. An no I will not supply any details. Just sit back an watch what happens. Have a nice day.
  16. No Sir, the coach didn’t hear it he lived it but actually he’s in a better situation now so believe what you want.
  17. 81 million votes... and I've never seen a Biden hat or shirt in my life.
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