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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. If Trump supporters had protested outside of RBG's home, the media would have demanded their arrest and prosecution for terrorism.
  2. He didn’t use any feel good word salad just cold hard facts. How gut wrenching was that explanation? I’ll answer…very gut wrenching. God have Mercy on this country.
  3. Think of all those mothers, babies, and American people we could help out.
  4. Stop the corporate welfare, cronyism, illegal immigrants, and billions of dollars handed out to countries that hate us an put America’s babies and people first. Problem solved.
  5. Elon Musk is so rich that if he wanted to get any richer he'd have to join Congress..
  6. Imagine that…. The suppression of the truth by big tech the lady couple of years has gotten down right ridiculous.
  7. You are correct Sir. All arms on deck with a very short leash. They were 3 outs away from advancing. They made a great run in the 2nd half of the season. Way to finish the season Pirate’s.
  8. Tough lost. Good ballgame. Vidor scored in the top of the 7th to go up 2 to 1. Give Livingston credit for coming back in the bottom of the 7th. I don’t understand why Reagan W. was not put in to close out the 7th inning. Livingston had already seen the other Reagan for 2 innings. Why not give them a different arm to see in that last inning? They were at their 7 hole hitter going into the 7th.
  9. A lot of truth in what he is saying an he isn’t afraid to shout it from the roof top either.
  10. We exist just for you Jussie. Golly Jeez Shucks Jussie why you want to talk to us like that. Lol
  11. Tucker Carlson interviewing Catherine EngelBrecht Yesterday. By the way you want find this interview on YouTube….imagine that. The suppression of information the past 2 years is out right Evil. Wake up people. [Hidden Content]
  12. Democrats want 9 unelected judges deciding the abortion issue and not the American citizens through the states. As United States citizens we have a 100% right to have a say so on an issue as important as life. The Supreme Court ruling should be 9-0
  13. Who cares anymore that liberals are upset about the SCOTUS ruling on Roe vs Wade. These lunatics want to groom your kids in public schools, and have drag queens read books to them in public libraries. They want to cheat in every public election to stay in power, and force you to apologize for being a racist to keep your job - there’s no living in peace with these people. Stop pretending you can negotiate with these cultural terrorist.
  14. He hasn’t approved the Documentary’s sources yet. I think everyone should watch it and try to prove the documentary wrong but instead they’ll try to pick it apart without watching it.
  15. The communist Biden Regime continues. Talk about transfer of wealth. Good ole Climate Crisis. We’re from the US government….we’re here to help.
  16. I find it odd that the Supreme Court leak came out this week when this Documentary was set to be released.
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