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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Lumberton…The Perennial Power House. 😂😂
  2. Liberals have had a rough go lately. First they learned that they can’t use Disney to groom kids. And they found out they can’t murder them either.
  3. See what they’re willing to do to protect the obvious legal fiction of a constitutional right to abortion? The ugliness of their assault on Justice Kavanaugh 3 years ago was just a prelude to the vicious, widespread insanity that’s coming.
  4. Odd that the SC leak came out this week. This weekend the Documentary 2000 Mules is being released for viewing. Go to 2000Mules.com to view the trailer.
  5. “Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1:4-5‬ ‭KJV‬‬
  6. An He/She will get to meet him more sooner than later an spend eternity with him just like the Good Thief on the Cross next to Jesus.
  7. Our church supports a ministry In Alabama of a older couple that raises babies of incarcerated women who have babies in prison an raises and educates them till the mother is released or until the child turns 18. There are organizations and ministries across this country that are Christian based that step in an fill the void for children. To say otherwise is disingenuous.
  8. Don’t lump me in with the “You Guys”. I have a bigger problem with Corporate Welfare and Cronyism. My brother and his wife tried to adopt 3 times due to the fact they could not have children. All 3 times the adoption fell thru because the mother changed her mind at the last minute after having the opportunity to hold the own child in their arms. It’s not as easy as you think to adopt a child not to mention the ungodly red tape you have to go through. The list of parents waiting to adopt is forever long. I say cut the bureaucracy for these parents an get the unwanted kids into these loving homes of parents wanting kids.
  9. FYI Election 2022 Update -Democrat fundraising for the Midterms over the first 24 hours after the leak of the draft Abortion decision is flat at $9M nationwide. -No change from previous days, which is far behind the GOP. -In other words, no indication the leak and potential decision in any way altered voters' intentions for November. Amazing that the leaker hasn’t been caught. Smh…
  10. All of your what if’s above is a small percentage of reasons women get an abortion. That’s why it should be left up to the states to legislate abortions not the one size fits all approach the federal government has implemented the last 50 years. It’s not a constitutional right to get a abortion. 63 million….Wow
  11. Had the Roe decision went the other way and the leaker clerked for a conservative justice they’d already be ID’d, doxxed, fired, disbarred, and indicted.
  12. The New Right is the pro-family party. Mothers, fathers, and children. “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already born.” Ronald Reagan
  13. The Democrats are acting like our economy runs on the blood of infants.
  14. What do you do when your Presidency is responsible for the highest inflation in 40 years, a crumbling southern border, an unprecedented energy crisis, and a shrinking GDP? You create a Ministry of Truth to make sure that anyone that calls you out is silenced.
  15. Still trying to find the word “abortion” in the Constitution.
  16. Democrats: -Spy on a presidential campaign -Make up the Russia hoax -Give us two bogus impeachments -Leak tax returns of Americans -Mandate COVID restrictions -Spy on parents at school boards -Create a Ministry of Truth -Want to kill the filibuster All to keep their power. -Oh let’s not forget the massive election fraud. All to keep their power.
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