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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Charlie Kirk gave a great interview. These are 2 brave individuals that have put out some much needed information about the massive voter fraud, an from what they said “the rip cord of massive voter fraud information will be pulled once all the naysayers start trying to pick apart the movie “
  2. Hey Elon, have you considered that Twitter is blocking your offer because they are afraid you’d obtain documents proving they shadow ban and censor, which would contradict sworn testimony made before Congress? This could be an Enron type scenario you’ve uncovered.
  3. I heard this movie can’t be released till Cardinalbacker approves of the sources being used to make it. At least that’s the word out on the street. I am sure all the evidence is just made up. Most secure election in American History! 😂😂😂😂😂
  4. Elon Musk is not only exposing Twitter, but all their shady investors.
  5. So let me get this straight: The progressive left is now rooting FOR Saudi Arabia, Wall Street, Vanguard / Blackrock and AGAINST free speech, liberty and the dude who makes electric cars and is going to Mars? What?
  6. Twitter is considering a poison pill to thwart Elon Musk‘s offer. They would rather self-immolate than give up their censorship programs. This shows you how deeply committed they are to Orwellian control of the narratives and global discourse. Scary.
  7. They are grasping for straws. The left is in a meltdown mode right now of this deal. Lol I wouldn’t classify Elon as a conservative but he is all bout free speech which gives birth to free thought and innovation.
  8. Elon Musk should make Trump the CEO of Twitter!! Booom!!!😎
  9. Breaking ... Elon Musk has just bought 9.2% of CNN + stock for a pack of smokes.
  10. He could have a 40 point lead over him but if they don’t fix the corrupt internet accessible machines an do away with the mail in ballot harvesting it isn’t going to matter.
  11. FBI is corrupt beyond fixing. Parkland shooter, Boston bomber, Fort Hood shooter, Boulder supermarket shooter. They also knew about Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and Larry Nassar molesting young girls.
  12. Americans are broke and suffering under the failed Biden Regime - and they’re sending Ukraine billions and billions with no end in sight. Pitiful. THEY. HATE. YOU.
  13. This post doesn’t surprise me at all. Keep your heads up Vidor Baseball!
  14. You are watching the intentional destruction of the US Economy. The regime in place does not like the power of individual FREEDOM. They will do whatever they have too to Crush It.
  15. Maybe Governor Grabott is a paid actor who is paid by the highest bidder of the Elites. Now that I can believe! Lol
  16. We’ll I didn’t think he had the onions to do it but one bus isn’t going to cut it. Drop off every single one of them off in DC. Flood DC with everyone of them that crosses the Texas border illegally till they make this situation right. Kuddos to Grabott but man up an send them all.
  17. I do not see Cardinalbackers stamp of approval on your sources so until then consider yourself a flat earther who believes in the tooth fairy who has sold his soul to the devil because you felt Trump did a great job as President. Oh….. an Trump clapped Biden’s cheeks in the LEGAL VOTE COUNT TO WIN RE-ELECTION. 😂
  18. Here’s a oldie but goodie! Lol Democrats are usually always guilty of what they are accusing you of doing. It never fails. Lol
  19. I trust in God to give me the spirit of discernment to decipher through the propaganda that involved the election just like a lot Covid nonsense. Almost everything told in the beginning of Covid was a freaking lie an now all truth is coming out. It has nothing to do with Trump supporters or even Trump himself. If we have a system that has been riddled with fraud where we the people are not electing the people in power we have no country. There were a lot good things Trump did for this country while he was President but one of the biggest things over looked is that he made the left take off there mask an show just how evil and power hungry they really are…. even to the point that they’d burn this country to the ground to remain in power. An so here we are with what we have now. You are witnessing the deliberate destruction of the U.S. economy.
  20. LumRaider beat me to yours post but I agree with his statement for I too am at work but this is just the tip of the iceberg of many many abnormalities and suspicious BULL💩 that went on in the 2020 election. It was death by thousand cuts. There was fraud in more ways than you can count in 2020. You can trust government officials if you want but I don’t. If at some point I feel like I’ve been duped then I man up an admit I was wrong but I don’t think I am. This last 2 in half years has been anything but normal but if you want to believe the 2020 was a normal transition of power go right ahead. The fact that this regime has made treasonous decision after treasonous decision tells me otherwise.
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