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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Your right….he’s becoming the King of Jibberish. Lol
  2. By that analogy then know one knows the truth. The video footage that I posted is from the video cameras that survey the ballot boxes to keep people from casting more than one ballot. That’s why they were out there. It’s a felony to cast more than one ballot per person. As you can see from the footage they are stuffing the ballot boxes with way more than one ballot. Then they would go to another ballot box an stuff more ballots. The video does not lie.
  3. Have you been living under a rock or something? I Have know allegiance to Trump. I didn’t even vote for him in primaries. I have allegiance to facts and what’s good for country. Your Stupid insults of video I post are just childish. Why don’t you attack the substance of what your seeing? You run your mouth about sources then you post some stupid article from cnn or msnbc, like only your sources are credible. News Flash : The DOJ and FBI did help in trying to take out Trump while he was in office an drive down his approval numbers. Obama had 8 years to corrupt the DOJ and FBI. We’re not going to agree that’s fine but if your going to dismiss evidence of election fraud that I post then prove it. Excuse me if I don’t except you as my Fact Checker. Attack the messenger or yell conspiracy theory…typical liberal mantra.
  4. I would like to dedicate this post to “ I Hate Trump Cardinalbacker” and all the other low information voters.
  5. If you don’t think that what our DOJ and FBI did to Trump as a incoming President and Sitting President would turn a blind eye to massive election fraud than your lost. That was quite a lot of misdirection Jibberish that did not answer the question I asked you. DID THE DOJ AND FBI HELP CREATE A FALSE RUSSIAN HOAX TO HELP REMOVE A SITTING PRESIDENT?? It’s a yes or no answer. I like the way you go to the insults when you can’t answer a simple question. Your legend in your own mind. Lol
  6. You still haven’t answered my question about our own DOJ and FBI being involved in pushing the Russia Hoax with their spying on Trump while he was coming into office and while he was in office. 81 million votes!😂😂😂
  7. I only believe in the last statement but I am still waiting on a answer from you about our own DOJ and FBI participating and spying on a sitting President to create a false Russia Hoax to take him out of office. Did that not happen?
  8. Corruption destroyed the Roman empire and it's obviously rampant here. Fix 2020 or nothing else matters.
  9. Governor Grabott is nothing but a Blowhard. He isn’t going to do JACK! just like he’s been doing since Biden took office. He’s a wolve in sheeps clothing. But hey that headline sounds tough and cool. Typical politician. Let’s see the Governor escort the buses to DC then I’ll believe it.
  10. That’s why I said usually.
  11. Common sense usually aligns with facts.
  12. Common sense is a prized commodity now days.
  13. Neither did he. Why didn’t you say that to him?
  14. Just trying to help CardinalPecker. Question: Were the DOJ and FBI involved in pushing the Russia Hoax on a incoming and sitting President (Trump)? I’ll wait for an answer. Here is some chicken little for you. Just 2 hours ago A jury just found the Michigan militia not guilty due to FBI entrapment in the Michigan Governor Whitney Hoax.
  15. Big difference between giving and stealing or just maybe in your book it’s the same. Lol
  16. Fix 2020 or nothing else matters. Our government has become one big gigantic crime organization that cannot and will not police itself. This country has been sold out to the highest bidders.
  17. Lead poisoning can be deadly! You go girl!!👏👏👏
  18. After what the Biden regime has done to this country so far your really worried about some Republicans and that the moderates and independents are gonna want some more of this 💩? If they don’t fix 2020 it isn’t going to matter. One of the few Republicans that represents the people.
  19. I agree… The Ten Commandments aren’t recommendations. Thou shall not kill is pretty self explanatory.
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