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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. 81 million voters were begging for this situation! Cough.. Cough.. Lol . Most in U S history to vote for a candidate! Even blew away Barrack Hussein Obama’s Record! Lol
  2. Like I said in time you’ll be proven wrong. Never mind the Democrat Party, FBI AND DOJ tried to take down a presidential candidate and sitting president which is fact. You just wash over that fact like it is no big deal. Voter fraud is a business an business was good in 2020 for the Democrat Parasites. We’ll just have to agree to disagree. By the way there were thousands of affidavits about voter fraud filed across the country right after the election. You act like none of our politicians and judges are corrupt and compromised. Lol I’ll go as far to say this fraud has been going on for 15 to 20 years.
  3. Yep….. sorta like the Russia Russia Hoax, the 2 BS Impeachments, Hunter’s Laptop being Russia disinformation and the Fairy Tale J6 supposedly Insurrection. Lol. In time you’ll be proven wrong. You may need to lay off the booster shots.
  4. Voter fraud has gotten very sophisticated. Don’t be so gullible.
  5. I could go on an on an on…..Your a fool to say there wasn’t massive fraud in the election. But hey believe what you want.🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊MAN WIN!
  6. Are you saying the 40,000 affidavits about election fraud delivered to Governor of Georgia’s office are phony? 😂😂😂 You really need help. That’s as weak explanation as Will Smiths slap on Chris Rock. Come on you can do better than that. Sorry Bud but that really transpired last month at Governor Kemps office. Why don’t you address the 40,000 affidavits instead of deflecting to Jibberish. You are one lost goose! Lol Here’s another Dubious source.
  7. This just happened last month. 40,000 affidavits about election fraud were delivered to the Governor of Georgia’s office. Just because CNN doesn’t report it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. This is happening all over the country especially in swing states. Your denial is disturbing. Time for your TDS meds. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  8. You took the words out of my mouth tvc. You must be referring to this politician. I know he’s not a biologist but I wonder if he can give the definition of a woman.
  9. That’s the best he could muster up for his wife? Lol. If Rock insulted my bride of 22 years it would have been a dropped the mic moment for Rock followed by silence as he laid there on the floor in the fetal position. Nothing in Hollywood is real except the vampires. Lol. Will Smith hit like the princess of Bel Air. I say staged.
  10. The same lawyers that proved the Russia Russia Hoax was BS, Both impeachments we’re BS, Hunter’s laptop was Authentic an Joe Biden is compromised will also prove the 2020 election was a BS election an Trump won. Your a Typical Stand for Nothing Ignorant Idiot who likes to attack the messenger instead of attacking the message an proving the message wrong. Move on troll.
  11. The CDC is no longer releasing data comparing vaccinated vs unvaccinated deaths & hospitalizations. But don't worry. I'm sure it's just an oversight.
  12. I see you Still can’t address the facts about the corruption and mishandling of votes in Georgia that I posted. Doorknobs are on isle 10.
  13. President Biden alerted us that, as a result of sanctions on Russia, food shortages for Americans are "going to be real." So, for a fight on the other side of the world, that doesn't threaten U.S. interests at all, Americans are supposed to suffer from a lack of food?
  14. Like the way you don’t address the facts about the fraud and sloppiness of the Georgia vote count that I posted. Thank you Ray Charles for your intellectual insight of the Georgia vote count.
  15. Let’s not ignore this creepyness. There was widespread creepyness in all the swing states including Arizona to steal this election from the American people. Most secure election in U S History. Lol These are the facts in Georgia alone. Other swing states have similar issues. Where you at Cardinalbacker and InJussieWeTrust? VoterGA Provides Conclusive Evidence Showing Fulton County 2020 Election Results Were Electronically Manipulated — 524K Votes in Question ATLANTA, March 7, 2022 – VoterGA announced at a press conference today a 15-point analysis that documents clear, irrefutable evidence of how the November 2020 Fulton County election results were electronically manipulated. The analysis was based on a year-long study of ballot images conducted by an expert-laden volunteer research team. The ballot image research was made possible last year when the Georgia legislature passed SB202, which made ballot images public records. The ballot images were collected statewide by a VoterGA Open Records Request team. The 15-point analysis that can be verified through public ballot images at GAballots.com or other sites found the following problems in Fulton County: 1. 17,724 final certified Fulton County absentee votes have no ballot images, representing 13,303 extra Biden votes and 4,279 extra Trump votes — net 9,024 mail-in votes — that cannot be substantiated 2. All 374,128 in-person Fulton County ballot images from the original election count are missing and cannot be authenticated 3. 132,284 of the 148,318 mail-in ballot images are missing their authentication files and cannot be verified as legitimate votes 4. Only 16,034 mail-in ballot images had authentication files and those files (which should be generated automatically at the time of scanning) were added days after scanning 5. 4,000+ tabulator images have impossible duplicate time stamps 6. 104,994 image files in 1,096 batches have impossible duplicate time stamps 7. Images in 288 batches have backfilled time stamps out of scanning chronological order 8. All ballot batches were improperly forced to adjudication to facilitate tampering 9. 10 ballots were impossibly adjudicated in one minute by one user 10. 941 [image] files were backdated prior to adjudication 11. Same 12 tabulators closed 148 early voting polls masking identity of scanning tabulator 12. One tabulator serial# impossibly closed two polls in same overlapping times 13. One tabulator was never closed and may have added many illegitimate votes 14. 85 closing tapes for 12,024 Election Day ballots are unsigned or missing 15. All but two tabulator closing tapes for early voting are unsigned, representing 315,000 ballots; Georgia law requires closing tapes to be signed by a poll manager and 2 witnesses VoterGA emphasized that while one or two of these may be procedural issues, the electronic tampering found so far is not limited to Fulton. Co-founder Garland Favorito said: “In fairness to Fulton County, they did preserve enough of their ballot images to make some of our research possible. Other counties, like Cobb, destroyed most or all of their original November 2020 images despite federal and state law. This tampering and destruction is proof positive why Georgians cannot trust the 2020 election results. We desperately need an independent multi-county audit immediately to secure our elections before 2022 primaries.”
  16. I am just talking about the total deterioration of credibility of our government which led to the MASSIVE FRAUD in the 2020 Election. If a Supreme Court nominee can’t even give the definition of a woman I doubt Trump will be President in 2023. Lol
  17. No….at this point I would say this is Creepier. The FBI had sex tapes of Democrat Mayors sleeping with a Chinese Spy and kept them hidden, knew Eric Swalwell was sleeping with the Chinese Spy and kept it hidden, had Hunter Biden’s laptop and kept that hidden but leaked a dossier they KNEW was fake to the New York Times in an effort to take down Trump. Tell me again what’s creepy?
  18. Need a win tonight to get the ship going in the right direction. WOS was a freebie.
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