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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. I’ve Never Heard 81 Million People So Quiet. Just Amazing.
  2. It’s no coincidence that the only time we get cheap gas, no new foreign wars, and energy independence is when we elect a political outsider.
  3. Strong language but think this needs to be heard. Get ready….because it’s coming! I’d like to dedicate this to Big Girl.
  4. Pretty soon we’ll be saying this about our vehicles. Lol
  5. Are we ready for more than a billion people to perish in a conflict with Russia❓ Harry Kazianis has participated in many war games over the years, and in 2019 he had the opportunity to participate in one which simulated what would happen if a war between NATO and Russia erupted in Ukraine. According to Kazianis, the simulation resulted in more than a billion deaths… "Over just three days, as I have done countless times over the last several years, a group of past and present senior U.S. government officials from both sides of the aisle gathered to wage a NATO-Russia war in a simulation at the end of 2019. In the course of what we called the NATO-Russia War of 2019, we estimated one billion people died. And if we aren’t careful, what happened in a simulation could happen if a NATO-Russia war erupts over Ukraine. In fact, in the simulation I mentioned above from 2019, in which Russia invades Ukraine in a similar way as it did over the last week or so, not only does NATO get sucked in unintentionally, but Russia eventually releases nuclear weapons in its desperation. The result is an eventual escalation of bigger and more dangerous nuclear weapons whereby over one billion lives are lost." This is a critical moment in our history and people need to realize what they are arguing for when they want the United States and NATO to escalate this war against Russia. [Hidden Content]
  6. The fiscal policy decisions and response to the current inflationary crisis confirms with absolute certainty that those running the government either: a.) have absolutely no idea what they are doing. b.) know exactly what they are doing. Both options are terrifying.
  7. This Ukraine mess is no different than the pandemic: the ruling class gets richer and you get screwed.
  8. There is a big “get rich off the great reset” club and none of us are in it.
  9. Just a Reminder: The Republican and Democrat Party Hate You.
  10. Prepare for total economic collapse. These morons in the White House are about to destroy our country. This is not a drill. It want be long before a loaf of bread is $10….That’s where we’re headed.
  11. JUST IN: According to a FOIA request by The Blaze, the federal government paid media outlets such as ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC to advertise vaccines. This is more than just a conflict of interest. This is unethical.
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