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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. The politicians and mainstream media made Covid magically disappear like a fart in the wind.
  2. Wheat and oil going up. We done told you. This is all a direct attack on the middle class. 81,000,000 including the suburbs voted for this. Expensive gas, high food prices, and girls with penises sharing locker rooms with your daughters and taking their sports achievements.
  3. Just a Reminder to the few Idiots that Voted for this Doorknob.
  4. Most secure election in U S History. Lol These are the facts in Georgia alone. Other swing states have similar issues. Where you at Cardinalbacker and InJussieWeTrust? VoterGA Provides Conclusive Evidence Showing Fulton County 2020 Election Results Were Electronically Manipulated — 524K Votes in Question ATLANTA, March 7, 2022 – VoterGA announced at a press conference today a 15-point analysis that documents clear, irrefutable evidence of how the November 2020 Fulton County election results were electronically manipulated. The analysis was based on a year-long study of ballot images conducted by an expert-laden volunteer research team. The ballot image research was made possible last year when the Georgia legislature passed SB202, which made ballot images public records. The ballot images were collected statewide by a VoterGA Open Records Request team. The 15-point analysis that can be verified through public ballot images at GAballots.com or other sites found the following problems in Fulton County: 1. 17,724 final certified Fulton County absentee votes have no ballot images, representing 13,303 extra Biden votes and 4,279 extra Trump votes — net 9,024 mail-in votes — that cannot be substantiated 2. All 374,128 in-person Fulton County ballot images from the original election count are missing and cannot be authenticated 3. 132,284 of the 148,318 mail-in ballot images are missing their authentication files and cannot be verified as legitimate votes 4. Only 16,034 mail-in ballot images had authentication files and those files (which should be generated automatically at the time of scanning) were added days after scanning 5. 4,000+ tabulator images have impossible duplicate time stamps 6. 104,994 image files in 1,096 batches have impossible duplicate time stamps 7. Images in 288 batches have backfilled time stamps out of scanning chronological order 8. All ballot batches were improperly forced to adjudication to facilitate tampering 9. 10 ballots were impossibly adjudicated in one minute by one user 10. 941 [image] files were backdated prior to adjudication 11. Same 12 tabulators closed 148 early voting polls masking identity of scanning tabulator 12. One tabulator serial# impossibly closed two polls in same overlapping times 13. One tabulator was never closed and may have added many illegitimate votes 14. 85 closing tapes for 12,024 Election Day ballots are unsigned or missing 15. All but two tabulator closing tapes for early voting are unsigned, representing 315,000 ballots; Georgia law requires closing tapes to be signed by a poll manager and 2 witnesses VoterGA emphasized that while one or two of these may be procedural issues, the electronic tampering found so far is not limited to Fulton. Co-founder Garland Favorito said: “In fairness to Fulton County, they did preserve enough of their ballot images to make some of our research possible. Other counties, like Cobb, destroyed most or all of their original November 2020 images despite federal and state law. This tampering and destruction is proof positive why Georgians cannot trust the 2020 election results. We desperately need an independent multi-county audit immediately to secure our elections before 2022 primaries.”
  5. Biden is buying Russian oil while sending aid to Ukraine. He’s actually funding both sides of the conflict.
  6. But no mean tweets…..I no it’s all Trump’s fault because of a select group of wussified thin skinned ignorant Americans thought he was a Meanie.
  7. I’ve been a small business owner for the last 16 years an have made a decent living. I punch a clock for no one and don’t suck butt to move up the ladder. I don’t participate in the rat race of life besides If you win that race that just means your the number 1 Rat! Sorry to bust your bubble.
  8. The fact that you can’t wrap your head around our own DOJ and FBI In conjunction with Hillary and Obama tried to take down a sitting President an just act like it didn’t happen is mind blowing. That’s stuff that goes on in third world countries. I believe there people that didn’t like him. There were some things I didn’t like but at the end of the day I didn’t vote with my feelings. That was the BIGGEST BULL💩 ELECTION I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE OF 54 YEARS OF LIVING ON THIS EARTH!! You live in an alternate universe.
  9. If Biden’s Thieves could steal a Presidential Election than anything is possible.
  10. Wrong!! The Democrat Thieves would have stop counting the votes an hour earlier than they already did and more votes would have been flipped via the internet to make up difference.
  11. Yep….. Feelings……TDS😂🍊🍊😂
  12. Thomas Renz: "I Wanna Know Who's Going to Jail for Murder First" The data Pfizer was forced to release showed a 3% mortality rate for the vaccines, which is 12 times the COVID death rate. [Hidden Content]
  13. Zuckerberg’s grant money hired a New York lawyer and Democrat political operative named Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein to direct election administration in Green Bay. The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) wrote, “At Mr. Spitzer Rubenstein’s instruction, there were three WiFi networks available. One was the general conference facility public network that would be available to members of the press and others. That network was password-protected, but the password was widely available. A second password-protected WiFi network was created for Central Count staff. Mr. Spitzer Rubenstein also directed that a third WiFi network be established, but that network was to be hidden and it was not to be password-protected. Spitzer Rubenstein also ensured that both networks reached his hotel room on the 8th floor.” The OSC learned that all machines in Green Bay were ES&S machines and were connected to a secret, hidden Wi-Fi access point at the Hyatt hotel, which was the location used by the City of Green Bay on the day of the 2020 Presidential election. The OSC discovered the Wi-Fi, machines, and ballots were controlled by, Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, a single individual, who was not a government employee but an agent of a special interest group operating in Wisconsin. [Hidden Content]
  14. Wisconsin's Voting Machines Were Connected To The Internet During The 2020 Election Dominion and ES&S were online and a Democrat operative ran Green Bay's election from his Hyatt hotel room. [Hidden Content]
  15. Hagar I think your spot on buddy. I think you’d have to be a doorknob not to see the narrative pushed was never about the virus but with that said there are a lot of doorknobs in this country that are easily turned. DAILY REMINDER: TRUMP WON!!
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