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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. It only took a year for the basement dummy to destroy our economy and get us into WWIII. But hey ... at least you can get a free crack pipe.
  2. There is no symbolism to me posting it 3 times.😂😂 I don’t know what happened. If anyone wants to delete the other 2 I’d appreciate it.
  3. I’ve said before an I’ll say it again, the dumbing down of America is Complete. At this point Elmer Fudd could take over this country without much of a fight. Our politicians have sold us out for the last 30 years or so.
  4. Obama had a red line, Biden had a bed time. What an Embarrassment. This is what happens when an election gets stolen.
  5. You are correct. The plandemic was just a scarecrow to control the masses.
  6. There once was a man who went around the country saying if we make the US strong, renegotiate deals, and build our own pipelines it will be keep the American people safe and prosperous. But some people hated his skin color and his tweets and so they sent him away.
  7. I am sure all 40,000 people are just lying an don’t mind going to prison for 5 years. 81 million votes 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂deep breath 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  8. So thankful for the US federal government’s condemnation of Justin Trudeau’s actions. Oh wait. That didn’t happen because they’ll do the same thing to us.
  9. Wokeness is a mental disease. Yes it is. On so many levels. I refuse to participate so I remain Unwoke.
  10. There it is folks. Covid was a virus that was manageable and treatable. Big tech, Big Pharma and Big Government are responsible for hundreds of thousands of Covid deaths. [Hidden Content]
  11. Fake woke for personal gain. Nothing but a miserable race baiter. Race baiting is big business. Sharpton and Jackson have made a good living doing the same thing.
  12. I will continue to post the theatrical BS when I see it. Hope everyone has an Awesome Day!
  13. What a treasonous embarrassing Administration.
  14. Let’s not portray that experience as a one way street please. As a older white man I have experienced racism from black people towards me over the years for no reason at all except for the fact I was white but I’ve always taken it as that says more about them than me. What a pathetic lazy mind set to have that you would be like that towards someone that you don’t even know. I’ve never let it keep me from trying to do what’s right. I was taught growing up to never let someone define who you are but to let God by his word define who you are.
  15. The past two years have been the equivalent of burning down an entire house to kill a rat.
  16. Regardless of who wins any election, to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots with no computers (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.
  17. This guy is good!😂 [Hidden Content]
  18. So the government can't expose all of the global elites tied to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, but they can freeze the bank accounts of everyone who donated to a trucker protest?
  19. Has Hillary Clinton been arrested for a conspiracy to frame her opponent for treason?
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