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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. All it took was one mid term election to flatten the curve.
  3. Better stock up on Dry Beans and Rice while you can.
  4. NEW — A clinical trial regional director filed a $2 billion lawsuit against Pfizer and BioNTech alleging the pharmaceutical companies fabricated and falsified their covid-19 vaccine trial data. The lawsuit was unsealed today after being filed on January 8, 2021. [Hidden Content]
  5. Your spot on in your post. I was stationed in Seoul, Korea in 1993. I worked hand in hand with KATUSA soldiers ( Korean Alliance To United States of America) an became good friends with a lot of their soldiers. They use to tell me a lot of what your saying. But like you said in the US the news stations are voluntarily not covering what they should be covering. I believe a lot of people are finally waking up to that fact though. Truth always has a way of surfacing in time.
  6. That’s exactly what’s been happening since the election. There’s so much evidence out there especially in the swing states but state tv covers none of it. Amazing.
  7. The Media Research Center found that ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts alone spent a whopping 2,634 minutes covering the investigations into alleged Russia collusion through July 20, 2019. "That’s nearly one-fifth (19.5%) of all of these broadcasts’ Trump coverage, a huge shadow on his presidency," analyst Rich Noyes wrote. Now….Crickets since the Truth has came out. State TV at its best. Smh
  8. The truth will eventually come out about the massive fraud in the 2020 election. Look how long it took for truth to come out about the Russia Russia Russia spying operation. It’s just a matter of time.
  9. Venezuela fell to socialism because they used Dominion Computer Voting Machines which is what the United States used in the last election and elections before that. The peoples voices can’t be heard if there votes don’t count. Dominion machines can be easily hacked it’s been proven. We need to get away from any computer voting machine that can be hacked to get a true vote count even if we have to go back to hand counting them by human hands and eyeballs.
  10. So you're telling me that the people who infiltrated a sitting US President's server would not do the same thing to the election apparatus?
  11. What a bunch of lying parasites! They all caught and complicit in this coup d’etat!
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