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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. An Increased Risk of Death For The Vaccinated Pfizer’s 6-month trial data shows an increased risk of death for the vaccinated. Before the trial was unblinded, there were 15-deaths in the vaccinated group versus 14-deaths in the placebo group. After the trial was unblinded, there were 5 more vaccinated deaths with 3 from the original vaccinated group (before trial was unblinded) and 2 from the original placebo group (crossed over to the vaccinated group). Pfizer buried these 5-deaths in the report rather than putting them on a table like the others. In sum, there were 20 total deaths in the vaccinated group versus 14 total deaths in the placebo group. Furthermore, there were almost twice as many cardiovascular deaths among the vaccinated with 9 in the vaccinated group versus 5 in the placebo group. How does the vaccine reduce deaths if Pfizer’s trial shows an increased risk of death for the vaccinated❓ [Hidden Content]
  2. ARR vs RRR Pfizer reported that its vaccine shows a 95% efficacy. That sounds like it protects you 95% of the time, right? But that’s not actually what that number means. That 95% refers to the Relative Risk Reduction (RRR), but it doesn’t tell you how much your overall risk is reduced by vaccination. For that, we need Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR). During the Pfizer trial, 0.88% of the placebo group got covid-19 and 0.04% of the vaccinated group got covid-19. So the ARR or net benefit that you’re being offered with the Pfizer vaccine is 0.84%. That 95% number refers to the relative difference between 0.88% and 0.04%. That’s what they call 95% RRR. Relative Risk Reduction is well known to be a misleading number, which is why the FDA recommends using Absolute Risk Reduction instead, which begs the question of how many people would have chosen to take the COVID-19 vaccines had they understood that they offered less than 1% benefit❓ [Hidden Content]
  3. Issues just like this in all the swing states. Integrity 😂😂😂😂 This has nothing to do with Putin you little troll.
  4. Have you been living under a rock the last 5 years? Our government is corrupt as Hell. You keep on thinking the government has your best interest at heart. Smh
  5. Institutional Integrity! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Deep Breath😂😂😂😂😂😂
  6. You’ll get it one day. Keep thinking.
  7. I served 6 years in the United States Army just so you could make an statement like that. Your welcome Troll.
  8. Very soon there will be hundreds of health officials saying “It was your choice, no one made you take it” - Dr Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology.
  9. Well…. He has made Crack Pipes Great Again. You have to at least give him that.
  10. This right here says it all. Good article. Consider the impact of the realizations now spreading across the world: Government failed the people. Corporations murdered people for profit. Doctors, hospitals and the medical system betrayed the people. Big Tech platforms silenced the truth, costing millions of lives. Big Media was complicit in the plandemic and the vaccine biowar against humanity. The institution of science deceived the people and proved it is hopelessly corrupt and evil. What we’ve all lived through over the last two years is corrupt, deceptive, anti-human institutions waging war against truth and humanity, showing their true cards and exposing the depth of their evil.
  11. Yeah…. My wife always guides me around when we’re out in public. Good grief. People like you are a danger to this Republic.
  12. One of the biggest, and one of the oldest, taxes is inflation. Governments have stolen their people’s resources this way, not just for centuries, but for thousands of years. - Thomas Sowell
  13. The most dangerous individuals in this country are the one’s who trust this government and the news media.
  14. All at once politicians and the media are backtracking on all the Covid mandates. It could be polling for the midterm elections driving the change, but I think some data is about to be leaked/discovered that will show what they knew the whole time. The roaches will be looking for cover.
  15. Does he know that the School Board has already picked out what offense and defense he’ll be running? I am sure they’ll relinquish the control of the Special Teams to let him run with their approval. It’s tough being a Trophy Coach. Good Luck 😎
  16. Truth is misinformation until the misinformation is no longer necessary and then truth revisits.
  17. Worried about prices for gas and food going up? Don't be - have a margarita and a new crack pipe!
  18. JUST IN - #Pfizer forecasts $54 billion coronavirus-related sales in 2022 from its Covid vaccine and anti-viral pill. “But the vaccine is free”
  19. I am old enough to remember a couple of posters on here arguing with other posters about the validation of the Covid Death Numbers and the Effectiveness of the Vaccines. [Hidden Content] Apology accepted
  20. The last two years has been a brutal demonstration of why the government should NOT be in charge of your health care.
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