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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask. I have never seen a vaccine that required me to maintain my social distance. I have never heard of a vaccine that spreads the virus even after vaccination. I had never heard of rewards, discounts, incentives to get vaccinated. I never saw discrimination for those who didn't get a vaccination. I have never seen a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues and friends. I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school. I have never seen a vaccine that would allow a 12-year-old to override parental consent. I have never seen a vaccine like this one, which discriminates, divides and judges society. As the social fabric tightens, we realize it is a powerful vaccine! It does all these things except IMMUNIZATION.
  2. I am not going unless you go brother. Just think we could sing Feelings together. Lol
  3. Democrats don’t want you to show an ID to vote so they can get elected and require you to show an ID to buy food.
  4. There is no bottom to the Biden presidency. He just keeps failing.
  5. I predict it goes like this: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  6. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Do not give these people a inch! Tell them to go pound sand! Small businesses owners should unite against this tyrannical nonsense! Good for her!
  7. Feelings…..nothing more than FeelingsπŸ˜‚
  8. Big Pharma, Big Tech and The Media are Evil. There goes another Conspiracy Theory. Think of all the needless deaths. Smh [Hidden Content]
  9. A known jihadist came into the US and took hostages at a targeted synagogue while the FBI was busy going after January 6th MAGA Grannies.
  10. New Rasmussen poll is stunning: β€’ 29% of Dems support taking your kids if you refuse to take the vaccine β€’ 59% of Dems support you being put on house arrest if you refuse the jab β€’ 48% of Dems say you should be jailed if you question the vax online. They’re far left fascists.
  11. Not political but Funny! πŸ˜‚
  12. I agree πŸ’―%. It doesn’t pass the smell test even if I had 4 noses. A lie repeated a 1,000 times (Media) does not make it true.
  13. The federal government is organized crime masquerading as a human rights organization.
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