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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Trumps DOJ? Lol . You mean Obama’s DOJ that was spying on Trump a submitting bogus fisa warrants to spy and making up fake Russian dossiers? Like I said. Release the recording of Trump boasting about the spurious secret doc and release the two audio tapes of Biden arranging payments from a Ukrainian official for favors that the FBI has had in its possession, then let the American people judge. 😃 You know the outcome. Your just playing stupid.
  2. We’ll said… Your country has been stolen from you. Your government no longer even attempts to represent your interests at home or abroad. Your elected officials despise you, and they are systematically stripping you of your liberties one by one. Your justice system no longer functions, it neither punishes the guilty nor protects the innocent. Your country's entire economy only exists to enrich globalist corporations and their benefactors. Your roads are crumbling, your bridges are collapsing, and your public infrastructure is slowly falling apart. Your country's borders are non-existent and your immigration system only serves to provide fodder for endless spending bills that launder money from public programs to private pockets. Your education system only exists as a propaganda tool to brainwash your children into becoming the next wave of rainbow shirt wearing government worshippers. Your military is just an extension of globalist leader's wallets, securing a foothold in each new territory that they desire to drain of resourses. Your free speech and your freedom of assembly are now just a shadow what they once were, and your right to self-defense is on the verge of being criminalized. Your right to select and elect your leaders has been subverted to the point where it is no longer clear whether your vote even matters. Your birthright has been stolen from you, and most people haven't even noticed. - Carpe Donktum
  3. Dang! I guess UT is speechless. 🤷‍♂️
  4. Release the recording of Trump boasting about the spurious secret doc and release the two audio tapes of Biden arranging payments from a Ukrainian official for favors that the FBI has had in its possession, then let the American people judge. 😃
  5. Either you see what’s happening to Trump as being about Trump or you see it being about a weaponized government planning to make any opposition a crime. Only one of those views is correct. You don’t have to be a Trump fan to clearly see it’s the latter. This is the beginning.
  6. Yep
  7. One of Tuckers comments last night on his monologue. So true. "Joe Biden and his many allies— from Chuck Schumer to Mitch McConnell to Paul Ryan and every single news anchor on all of television— all of them believe that Ukraine...is more important than the town you live in. Everyone in power thinks that except for Donald Trump... And for that— that ONE fact— they are trying to take Trump out before you can vote for him." - Tucker Carlson 6-13-23
  8. Orange Man Bad! Dementia Pedo Man Good! Lol
  9. Unicorns and Leprechauns
  10. Go to Bed, your getting delirious.
  11. I want the Bull back in the China Store. Anyone that can put up with what he has put up with these past 7 years definitely needs to be Back in the White House! Battle tested and ready to go! Trump 2024
  12. You’ve already found him guilty. Remember you said they got the goods. Lol You know your typical guilty till proven innocent mentality when it comes to Republicans…especially Trump I dare you to listen to all of Tuckers Monologue.
  13. Can you be more specific on what policies?
  14. Yep, easy to debate when you’re speaking truth.
  15. I’ve only heard small clips of him talking but from what I’ve heard so far he sounds like a sharp guy who knows the US Constitution well. I’ll will definitely be paying more attention to him going forward.
  16. Rudy was right in what information he had 2 years ago about Joe & Hunter and you were wrong as usual when you mocked him. Lol Must be tough defending Unicorns and Leprechauns. Lol I know but…but…but 😂
  17. The sweet smell of truth. It always eventually comes out.
  18. I guess…… It’s been nothing but a lying 💩 show to bring this man down. I’ve said it before. The Democrat Party along with their cowardly wolves on the Right would burn this country to the ground to retain and never relinquish power instead of just leaving it up to the American people in a fair election.
  19. File a request.
  20. Well if you listen to what he said then you would know that Wray redacted unclassified documents that Congress ask for, so Wray thinks he gets to tell Congress what to do. Lol Keep looking for that unicorn and Leprechaun. Lol
  21. Maybe those particular documents weren’t ask for. Were you trying to say provided? I think I’d want to display them in a presidential library to show the public just how crooked our government is and how much BS they put me through while I was President. I think he has earned that right and then some.
  22. What would be Savage is if it is true that he has the Crossfire Hurricane Documents showing the Obama, Biden, FBI AND THE DOJ spied on his Presidency which we now know is True would be to Display them at his Presidency Library that he probably will have in the future like most Presidents. Lol
  23. Does the cat got your tongue on this revelation? You seem to be ignoring it. Lol
  24. I guess it will eventually come out but I read where the Biden Administration was after the crossfire documents he declassified the day before he left office that shows Biden, Obama, FBI AND THE DOJ SPIED ON HIS CAMPAIGN AND HIS PRESIDENCY. Trump was afraid they would destroy them when Biden took office. But like I said we will see if that’s true.
  25. Cardinalbacker and DontheCon…The Clapping Government Seals😂🤣
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