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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Your lying heroes spewing their lying BS when they knew it wasn’t true. They are as pathetic and treasonous as you. You want to over look this 💩 when you know it was toxic and treasonous to this country and our elections.
  2. CB protects criminals because he is so ate up with TDS he can’t see that our FBI and DOJ has been weaponized.
  3. Another ignorant post that does not address the title of this thread. Trump is Brain F’in you hourly. You can call him Senator Zucchini if want. He endorsed 217 across the finish line and 19 didn’t make it. I’d say that’s pretty impressive record. Some of the candidates were just bad but you keep defecting how bad the FBI AND DOJ has torn this country apart.
  4. What an ignorant post. You really can’t comprehend the weaponization of this government and what took place with the Russia Hoax. You sound like Senator Cucumber who wears Hoodies every where. Get Help.
  5. Y’all both sound like Senator Cucumber Fetterman from Pennsylvania.
  6. There’s no doubt that Senator Cucumber is quite the wordsmith next to Confucius.
  7. They’ll put fbi informants in the commission an nothing will get done. The FBI has become the Federal Mafia.
  8. Senator Cucumber is proof the Democrat Party will put anyone out there because they know the fix is already in.
  9. This is why it’s so hard to get truth to the American people. Our government has been weaponized. The country can’t survive like this. I recommend all the idiots on the left that like to make stupid post on this forum listen to this gentleman. He’s one of many who are being destroyed if they speak as to what this administration is doing to this country.
  10. Jake Tapper is an accomplice along with the rest of the mainstream media. He was getting paid to spew those lies for years.
  11. The FBI Has Now Become a Disinformation and Election Interference Enterprise.
  12. The FBI Has Now Become a Disinformation and Election Interference Enterprise.
  13. The Durham report details the most brazen conspiracy in American history. A former first lady and the FBI framed her opponent, lied to a secret court to spy on his administration and kept the entire con going through his presidency. The media is still pretending it didn't happen. We are no longer a serious nation of laws.
  14. DontheCon2024…..the Bud Light of the SETX Political Forum!
  15. Man….I hate to hear that news. Yesterday I was thinking man it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a post from Hagar. Rest in peace my friend. Great guy. He will be missed. Prayers for the family.
  16. The FBI is a "domestic terror organization" that ran a disinformation campaign against the American people to rig a presidential election. And some of you stupid idiots fell for it hook,line and sinker. Sad thing about it is some of you are ok with it.
  17. For 2 years all we heard from the idiots on this forum i.e Cardinalbacker where’s the proof of election interference? Well this report is just one of the many ways of election interference that the Democrats used to sway the 2020 election. The fake dossier was used at the highest level of our government to take down a sitting president. Read the report. John McCain was involved in pushing this treasonous lie. Now you know why Trump didn’t care for McCain.
  18. Huge difference since Musk took over. The Twitter files that Musk released showed how intertwined the government was in the company before Musk too over.
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