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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. When you frame an innocent man for treason, you're guilty of treason. They framed a sitting President. How is that not treason? I’ll wait…. It is pretty disturbing that you see know problem with what was revealed in the Durham Report.
  2. It’s not left vs right. It’s wrong vs right. The Obama Democrat administration used the FBI,DOJ and the CIA to take down an incoming and sitting president. What’s so hard to understand about what Durhams report revealed which most of us with any common sense already knew? Believe me, majority of the Republican Party is useless but the Obama administration set all this 💩 in motion before he left the White House don’t kid yourself. Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew. Clapper knew. Rosenstein knew. FBI knew. DOJ knew. CIA knew. State knew. They all knew Trump was innocent but they smeared and spied on him. Worst scandal in our nation's history. When you frame an innocent man for treason, you're guilty of treason.
  3. Where are UTAlum and Cardinalbacker on this Durham Report? Stefanik Statement on the Long-Awaited Durham Report "The long-awaited Durham Report confirmed what the American people already know; that individuals at the highest levels of government attempted to overthrow democracy when they illegally weaponized the federal government against Donald J. Trump. This criminal abuse of power went all the way up to the Oval Office where President Obama and then Vice-President Joe Biden were in on it from the very beginning. This was an unlawful attempt by the politicized FBI and DOJ to meddle in our elections. The entire false smear was manufactured and paid for by political opponents of Donald Trump and perpetrated by the Left's salivating mainstream media stenographers. Crossfire Hurricane was nothing more than an illegal, unlawful, and unAmerican abuse of power. I am more committed than ever to ensuring that those involved are held accountable and face criminal prosecution." - Chairwoman Elise Stefanik
  4. Democrats spied on the President of the United States, then spent the next few years imprisoning his supporters for trespassing. Our justice system has collapsed. Hillary framed Trump. Biden knew. Obama covered it up. And they're still investigating Trump.
  5. Reporter interviewing Michael Jordan: Reporter: Could your Bulls teams of the 90's beat LeBron's Lakers ?? MJ: Yes Reporter: By how much MJ: 2 or 3 points Reporter: Why so close ?? MJ: Well, most of us are in our 60's now !!
  6. I’m sure the people that lied about the old Trump investigations certainly aren’t lying about the new Trump investigations! They will put you behind bars for walking into the Capitol uninvited but when you spy on the opposition campaign they call it national security and give journalists awards for supporting you.
  7. What we know about the FBI's anti-Trump operation is clear. Trump must be restored to office to clean up this rot. They stole his 1st term from him. The intelligence and law enforcement were used to prevent Trump from being elected and continued this phony investigation for years, knowing full well that it was made up by the Hillary Clinton campaign.
  8. Read the list very slowly all you lefties especially UTAlum and Cardinalbacker. 😂
  9. Honestly in my opinion if the Republicans could resurrect JFK an make him the Republican Nominee I don’t think it would matter. Unless the Republicans get into the ballot harvesting business like the Democrats they’re not going to win. Not to mention judges,DA’s and prosecutors across the country especially in swing states are bought and paid for by Soros.
  10. UTAlum’s favorite city in America.
  12. Where oh where are all the nut hugging Biden supporters? No one is above the law…oh except when it’s a Democrat with legitimate allegations that can be supported with fact.
  13. Unwoke


    Remember when Tucker Carlson said Democrats are going to bring millions of new voters across our border? He was right.
  14. Unwoke


    Love it! Get you some more NEW YORK! You getting what you supposedly voted for. 😂🤣
  15. Unwoke


    What about all the Chinese Nationals that illegally crossing the border so they could feed their families?🤔
  16. Breaking: George Santos Arrested, 534 Members Of Congress Still At Large!
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