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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Unwoke


    Keep voting Democrat ... One day they will restrict your freedoms, restrict your history and restrict your safety. All in the name of professional victims that don't understand the consequences of their ignorance. - Ronald Regan, 1987
  2. Yep…Maricopa County Officials are Corrupt as Hell.
  3. Unwoke


    When's the last time you traveled to a country and got a free hotel, free cell phone, and 3 meals a day, and all you had to do was show up with no passport.
  4. Is that Anderson Cooper or Cardinalbacker? Sounds like Cardinalbacker talking! Lol
  5. Unwoke


    Democrats totally silent on this situation. Almost like it’s not happening.
  6. Unwoke


    This fills my heart full of Joy! 😂🤣 Get you some more! Vote for him Again Idiots! You asked for it! Lol
  7. 🤣😂 Orange Man was dropping the Hammer!
  8. Unwoke


    Yep….Its not that hard to figure out.
  9. Unwoke


    There would be drones shooting illegals and 100,000 special forces troops put on the border with tanks if the Democrats knew they were all going to vote Republican when they got here.
  10. Unwoke


    Yes it is and he seems like a good hugger. 😁
  11. Unwoke


    You obviously didn’t read my post where I said I was just giving him a hard time but that is nice of you to give him a hug. Without no border we have no Country. Period.
  12. Unwoke


    Thank you, God does help me. Just giving you a hard time. Lol I get some of it but what’s going at our border is an intentional disaster. You just made some bad comparisons. Lol
  13. Unwoke


    Yeah I guess all of their countries just ran out of food. You’re the fool for comparing illegals walking through your deer lease to what people are dealing with daily in border towns for the last couple of years. Hopefully they were wearing deer urine so they didn’t mess up y’all’s hunt. Lol Well go back to being an imaginary illegal trying to feed his family because their country all of sudden ran out of food.
  14. Unwoke


    Ok, keep digging. Lol
  15. Unwoke


    BS …it’s not on your doorstep in the magnitude that it’s at right now. Good for you for living in El Paso at one point in your life. I too was stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso when I was in the military But this 💩 wasn’t going on. What about the people that live in these towns that are trying to feed their kids and keep them safe. You should be embarrassed to say you know what these people are dealing with on a daily basis because you’re lying out of your teeth by saying so. These last couple of years have been a nightmare for people that live on the border. Wow…they walked through your deer lease. Well I hope they were wearing deer urine so they didn’t mess up y’all’s hunt. What about hundreds of them walking through your neighborhood with your kids and wife out side taking a nice walk around the block? Good Grief!
  16. Unwoke


    If you were in El Paso right now or other border towns that are being overrun with illegal aliens to the point where people that live there can’t even go about their daily lives because of the danger on top of running out of resources I think you would think differently. You say that right now because it’s not on your doorstep. I believe you’re the one that’s triggered. Lol. I am just posting reality. Sorry if you can’t handle it. Either we are a nation of laws or we aren’t. You can’t have it both ways.
  17. CNN Host Sues Trump For Assault And Defamation After Town Hall. Lol
  18. But it’s coming from both sides. Smh….Lol
  19. Unwoke


    So you would break the law on the books and screw the people going through the immigration process legally on top of screwing the American Taxpayer because you think you’re entitled to do that? How Awesome is that? Try crossing the border illegally in North Korea and see what happens.
  20. Your ignorance is blinding. You obviously know nothing about this woman and what she stands for. She walked away from a very lucrative news reporting job because she couldn’t deal with the daily BS that you digest and believe from the news media. You probably wouldn’t qualify to hold her purse. Lol I dare you to watch this whole video clip. I heard Walmart is laying off people you may want to apply for that greeting job.
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