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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Vagina seems like a common name to name your cat or dog. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ This woman was a Nutjob! And it was a political hit job.
  2. But..but..butā€¦ whereā€™s the evidence says the šŸ’© heads. Lol
  3. UTAlum did, I am waiting for his rebuttal because you know that no one is above the law. Lol The Biden Garbage Family are criminals is what I gathered. Obama must be finished with Biden. #Treason
  4. Were you at on this UTAlum? There is legit proof that this took place unlike the BS this nutjob lady claims. This has been out there for a while an has been proven to correct.
  5. Wowā€¦imagine that. I am sure the cheek clapping of 2020 that CB talks about was legit.
  6. Lady: You raped me Guy: No. I did not Lady: Yes you did Guy: When? Lady: I donā€™t remember Guy: uh? Lady: ā€œRape is sexyā€ Guy: This is insane Lady: Iā€™m suing you to prove it Guy: ok NY Jury: He didnā€™t rape you Guy: Thanks NY Jury: Now pay her $5,000,000.00 Guy: WHAT!?
  7. RIP Mainstream Media. People crave truth. Most people with a brain that is.
  8. Is this post a side effect from CDB Gummies?
  9. Nobody is getting worked up but you and UTAlum. Lol Ask yourself this question. Letā€™s just say that Buttermilk Biden did get 81 million legal votes and Trump received 75 million in 2020. How many of the 81 million Biden voters do you think regret voting for him as of today? Now ask yourself how many of the 75 million Trump voters regret voting for Trump in 2020 as of today? As a side note I along with millions and millions of Americans have not forgotten about Biden trying to mandate that BS Vaccine and using it to destroy and divide this country.
  10. Yeah, should be interesting to see how it all plays out.
  11. Whatā€™s funny about it is you actually have idiots on here that donā€™t even see it. (UTAlum). Lol
  12. I know itā€™s way too early to paying attention to some polls but if your about to announce that youā€™re running for president then this poll kinda does matter. Heā€™s been dropping like a rock in the Republican Primary Poll since January. His world tour didnā€™t go over to well and aligning yourself with Jeb Bush , Paul Ryan and Karl Rove is not a good look. Talk is he may not even run now. We shall see.
  13. Heā€™s literally on video breaking the Riot Act. Read it very slowlyā€¦.
  14. Biden is a treasonous POS!
  15. Liberal Attorney gets Savaged by Trump šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
  16. Let the free market (The People) figure it out. The government Fā€™s up just about everything it touches.
  17. Communists Democrats want to discuss Clarence Thomasā€™ vacations because they donā€™t want to discuss Bidenā€™s CIA director meeting pedophile blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein. Several times.
  18. This travesty of justice is just setting up an excuse to indict Trump during campaign season to detain him. The sentencing of the Proud Boys based on sound evidence was a freaking joke! The country will be ripped apart if that happens. The justice system has been weaponized against conservatives an CB is too blind and stupid to see it. You canā€™t vote your way out of a rigged system. This country is in trouble.
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