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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. What were their actions? Were they armed with flags or guns? So they found 4 idiots out of 800,000 plus people gathered that day. Have they looked into why people gathered that day? And why security was denied by Pelosi knowing there were going to be close to a million people in DC that day? So did this trial take place in DC which is about 97% Democrat and a cesspool of Corruption? Have they sentenced the people in the FBI and DOJ that spied on and tried to take down a sitting president with made up lies? Insurrection 😂🤣😂
  2. Yeah….I don’t know how he’s going to make it. 😂🤣😂
  3. Shocking!…..Who would have ever thought Biden would engage in such activity! Uh….majority of the country! Typical Biden Garbage Family. Where’s Hunter?
  4. Whatever you want to call it Mr. Hundredaire.
  5. On the night of the 2020 election before boxes of Biden only ballots started falling from the sky at 2am, Tucker Carlson warned us in his monologue that the media was going to try to decide who gets to be the next president…and man, was he was right. Just hours later, FOX would unexplainably call Arizona almost as if they were in a weird, panicked, suspicious rush to do so. You rolled over on your chance to prove Dominion (which was donating to anti-Trump causes and PACS) was corrupt and rigging elections. You refused to speak out against the covid death shot for months while cashing Pfizer checks behind our backs. You refused to report on the truth about J6 until independent investigators proved the Feds were lying. Your ONLY saving grace these last 3 years was Tucker Carlson calling out the insanity of this corrupt government from BOTH PARTIES….and it seems the powers that be that own FOX too, couldn’t allow that. You are turncoats. You are Deep State boot lickers. You are America-destroying enablers. And you can go straight to hell with all these other illegitimate, sexually degenerate, murderous war pigs all the same. ✌🏻 Too many people are catching on to what’s going on in this world…and nothing can stop the truth from coming out.
  6. The US Supreme Court has agreed to review Loper Bright Enterprises vs. Raimondo, which directly challenges Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc - the landmark case which granted Federal Agencies the power to interpret laws and expand powers. -In Loper, the lower courts upheld the powers of federal agencies to interpret statutes broadly (effectively creating new laws without needing to go through the legislative process). -This is why we have agencies like the EPA creating new rules out of thin air, or the ATF banning "bump stocks". They stretch statutes and get away with it and lower courts are bound to uphold them because of the infamous Chevron decision. -The acceptance of a direct of review of Loper suggests at least FOUR Justices are ready to gut it. My guess is, it is Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh who loathes the Chevron decision. The question before them is simply this: "whether the Court should overrule Chevron". -Last year, in EPA v West Virginia, SCOTUS ruled in a 6-3 that the EPA could not regulate emissions without going to Congress. This handicapped the EPA going forward. However, many expected SCOTUS to strike down the Admin State, too. It was just the first step. -Now, the Court will face the big question: whether Chevron should be tossed, or greatly reined in. I believe this Court will drive a stake through the heart of Chevron, and great curtail the Feds. That’s my prediction. 🤞
  7. No…I am just here for your humorous idiotic unicorn leprechaun post.
  8. No but surely he qualifies as a Hundredaire. 😁
  9. The President of the United State's son and business partner was in court yesterday for not paying child support to a former stripper he fathered a child with on a crack smoking bender a few years ago. If he was a Trump it would be the lead story on every cable news program in America. But he's a Biden, so the press is respecting the privacy of everyone involved.
  10. Lol….you can bank on it that if it was a Trump supporting conservative that person would have been found, exposed and their family & friends doxxed the day after the leak! Liberal Hypocrisy 101
  11. They found granny who walked through the Capitol doors while Capitol Police held the doors on J6 but they’ve yet to find the Supreme Court Leaker. I wonder why that is?
  12. Just her and Biden speaking alone is enough proof the Election was Stolen. Very cringe worthy. Smh
  13. Watch till the end. 🤣
  14. Imo it’s No Different than Beer,Wine and Whiskey. I used it in my younger years but have no to desire to do so anymore. I believe I’ve smoked enough weed and drank enough alcohol to last a lifetime. I wake up some mornings an drink a cold glass water an feel like I am still buzzing from all the partying I did over 20 years ago. Lol. To each his own.
  15. Tucker’s back with a message and he gets it.
  16. If he could only get on Cardinals main news source the “View” he would be somebody. 😂🤣
  17. I haven’t watched prime time cable news in 2 1/2 years so who gives a 💩. Hell I haven’t even watched local news in 2 1/2 years. Prime time news stations are dying quickly. Tucker will be fine. Don Lemon got fired because nobody watched him, Tucker got fired because too many people watched him. That may be hard for you to figure out. Lol. Podcast are becoming more popular. They allow people to exercise their 1st Amendment Right without all the communist BS from corporate America.
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