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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Listen to this video of nothing but Democrats. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
  2. Yeahā€¦not delivering enough ballots to heavily Republican precincts on Election Day where people are turned away from voting and not extending the voting hours because of the precincts not having enough ballots for people to vote is not a big deal in your idiotic book of thinking. Like I said go get help. All you have to do is look at previous precincts numbers to give you a good ideal how many ballots need to be available for voters. Heavily Republican precincts were running out ballots in the early am and election officials didnā€™t deliver more ballots till late in the evening right before election places had to close. Know the full context of facts before you come at me with your lazy Bull šŸ’©.
  3. Yeahā€¦not delivering enough ballots to heavily Republican precincts on Election Day where people are turned away from voting and not extending the voting hours because of the precincts not having enough ballots for people to vote is not a big deal in your idiotic book of thinking. Like I said go get help. All you have to do is look at previous precincts numbers to give you a good ideal how many ballots need to be available for voters. Heavily Republican precincts were running out ballots in the early am and election officials didnā€™t deliver more ballots till late in the evening right before election places had to close. Know the full context of facts before you come at me with your lazy Bull šŸ’©.
  4. Yeahā€¦not delivering enough ballots to heavily Republican precincts on Election Day where people are turned away from voting and not extending the voting hours because of the precincts not having enough ballots for people to vote is not a big deal in your idiotic book of thinking. Like I said go get help. All you have to do is look at previous precincts numbers to give you a good ideal how many ballots need to be available for voters. Heavily Republican precincts were running out ballots in the early am and election officials didnā€™t deliver more ballots till late in the evening right before election places had to close. Know the full context of facts before you come at me with your lazy Bull šŸ’©.
  5. Yeahā€¦not delivering enough ballots to heavily Republican precincts on Election Day where people are turned away from voting and not extending the voting hours because of the precincts not having enough ballots for people to vote is not a big deal in your idiotic book of thinking. Like I said go get help.
  6. Fox News is not a law enforcement investigative entity. I guess Mattress Mack of Houston is an election denier too. He was in Austin Texas at the Capitol yesterday demanding the release of election records which is public record to see what happened in the Mid terms in Harris County. County officials are refusing to release public records of the election just like in Maricopa County Officials in Arizona. If the election was on the up and up why not release public election records? So since County officials want release public election records so a thorough investigation can be done the I guess election fraud didnā€™t happen. Go get help with delusional derangement that election fraud didnā€™t happen.
  7. The DOJ did zero investigations of massive election fraud and massive election abnormalities. Whatā€™s your point? I havenā€™t watched Fox News in over years. Lol The crickets you hear is the hollowness in your head.
  8. Yeahā€¦.Thievery makes it hard for a business to be profitable.
  9. You could be right. I was just trying to be optimistic. Theyā€™re screwed! Lol
  10. Only disillusionment here is your infatuation with Donald J Trump and him supposedly banging a pornstar. Lol. Hell maybe he did, maybe he didnā€™t. Hellā€¦. his wife may have watched him bang the pornstar. Who knows. At this point itā€™s just pathetic the diarrhea and lies that come out of your mouth. Go get help.
  11. Fraudulent elections have dire consequences. I believed thereā€™s enough good people in Chicago to vote in some one that could make a huge difference but the democratic machine has a strong hold on who counts the votes. Just sayin.
  12. Chicago's mayor says the teen hooligans who terrorized the city's motorists and destroyed property need "safe spaces". I suggest prisons. They can discuss their woes during time in the yard. Maybe even join a gang, or if they are in one, they'll have friends already.
  13. Been saying it for a while. Another Conspiracy theory comes true.
  14. So thatā€™s why itā€™s so hard to find a bag of Doritos at the store! Everyone is stoned! šŸ˜‚
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