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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. You want get an answer because the diarrhea coming out of his mouth has zero fact to support it. Just like the Kavanaugh situation.
  2. Unwoke


    I don’t know what’s hard to understand about making your voices heard by peacefully and patriotically protesting. If anyone went beyond that it was on them. It’s not that hard to peacefully and patriotically protest. Of course there were plenty of instigators in the crowd.
  3. Unwoke


    If you’re referring to Charlottesville situation I gotta call out the BS. Here is full clip of what Trump said that has been butchered and taken completely out of context by the mainstream media. Matter of fact this may be the first time you’ve seen this clip in full context.
  4. Unwoke


    It’s funny you mention the average hardcore Trumper. My family and I took my 18 year old son and some of his friends out to eat at Tokyo Grill last night to eat and celebrate his 18th birthday. Our Chef who cooked for us struck up a conversation with me about politics. He’s from the Philippines. He still had a Philippino accent .His mom brought him over here in the late 90’s thru the legal immigration process when he was a small kid. He started to tell me how the Philippino Constitution was very similar to the US Constitution then went on to tell me this Country is in a very vulnerable position right now and why. I asked him who voted for in 2020. At that point he walked back to the kitchen very quickly and came back with a Trump 2024 hat! Lol He said people can say what they want too about Trump but I see right through the BS! Lol. He said he wears his Trump hat every where an doesn’t give crap what anyone has to say about it. I said all that to say there goes your stereotyping of a Trump Supporter. Lol. Your TDS is blinding.
  5. You think it’s bad now , wait till it gets close to the 2024 election. These parasites in charge will do anything and everything to maintain power. Just reflect back to 2020 plandemic. Look what has already happened. An incumbent president planning to run in 2024 investigating his leading opponent over BS!
  6. Just another individual vying for a cabinet position or VP in 24.
  7. Effective vaccine per Dr Bullets13.
  8. Only debt is my mortgage on a 15 year fixed rate at 2.62% which will be paid off soon. 😎 You must still be living with mommy and daddy. 😘
  9. Unwoke


    Oh look…must be one of the 81 million voters that voted for Biden. Smh
  10. Unwoke


    Cardinalbacker explaining his Love for Trump! 😁
  11. What size is the Gay Pride Rainbow Flag flying in your yard? 2ft by 3ft or 6ft by 7ft? Your Beta Male reflection does not represent the majority of America but please keep trying to convince yourself.
  12. Unwoke


    Keep reassuring yourself of that diarrhea. 👌
  13. Unwoke


    This post is so full BS it’s not even funny. If DeSantis were to beat Trump in the primaries Trump supporters have enough sense to not let their feelings get in the way of voting for someone that doesn’t hate America and has good policies compared to your Buttermilk Dementia Patient that is currently playing President. And yes it will eventually be proven the Trump won just like the long list of BS that the Democrats along with wussified Republicans tried to pull to get him out of office starting with the Russia Hoax that you seem to never acknowledge along with all the other BS. You can bank on if Trump wins in 24 you’ll all of sudden see them stop going after him when he leaves office because he can’t run for a 3rd term. Like I said the other day. Trump doesn’t try to cancel people. He just puts them in the spotlight an let’s them destroy themselves. Lol
  14. That’s just wrong!! But funnier than Hell!! 😂🤣
  15. Just can’t get pass him being a Meanie. 😂
  16. A Country Boy Can Survive. 😎
  17. Yep …Safe and Effective. Just look at the data. 😂
  18. I don’t care for Jon Stewart too much but this is pretty funny.
  19. 😂 All three are paid for, about to pay cash for a fourth car for my son that’s about to start driving. 😘
  20. Go sit in the corner facing the wall an drink your Bud Light.
  21. We aren’t allowed to have a black woman on a bottle of syrup, but it’s ok to have a FAKE woman on a can of beer.
  22. The same reason you hardly ever see the Muslim churches showing up after natural disasters to help fellow brothers and sisters who’ve been affected by the storms. It’s always Christian Churches that show up to help people out in a time of need wether it be here in the United States or in another country.
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