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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Current world population: 8,025,718,113 People born from women: 8,025,718,113 People born from men: 0 Feel free to fact check.
  2. Trump doesn’t silence his opponents. He shoves them into the spotlight and lets them destroy themselves.
  3. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂
  4. This would eliminate a majority of the Democrat Party. 😂🤣
  5. Trump was guilty the second he ran for president, they just can’t figure out for what yet.
  6. While China and Russia are busy destroying the dollar and planning our demise ... the installed, stop counting at 9pm, then miraculously have a million Democrat "mail-in ballot" 99% Biden votes at 3am in the swing states regime ... are talking 24/7 about LBGTQRSTUP++-, transgenders, climate change, and race baiting. The world is laughing at us because we're no longer a serious nation. We have a wide open border, a corrupt FBI and DOJ, two-tiered banana republic justice system, and a ridiculously woke and criminal uniparty who's only purpose is personal power and wealth. Besides that, everything is looking great in the USA.
  7. You’re probably right. The 64.4% that didn’t vote were probably conservative republicans that were too busy working an couldn’t get to the polls. Lol. So now Manhattan County is considered a Conservative County? 😂🤣😂🤣😂 It’s hilarious for you to say that Trump could get a fair trial in one of the most liberal counties in New York. It sounds like you got your self convinced 💩for 🧠’s. Wow…looky here. Slapped him with a fine an moved on.
  8. 86.4 percent of the people in Manhattan County voted Democrat. How hard is that to understand. I may not believe what you’re saying but I believe you believe what you’re saying. Lol
  9. Keep smashing them oranges with a hammer. This is nothing more than 7 years of political persecution and election interference. If you can’t see that then you’re dumber than I thought.
  10. Bad news kids, the quarter in your easter egg this year is only worth 17 cents.
  11. Your Handle name is DontheCon. Now please tell us who’s a Sucker? You’re emotionally broken over this man. Please get help.
  12. They are emotionally broken and are subservient seals who like to clap when the government says clap.
  13. They’re misdemeanors. Do you really believe Trump does his own books?😂 Read what I said. I said this case will LIKELY collapse before a hearing. A jury of his peers not a jury of political sycophants? 😂🤣 New York (Manhattan) County, NY is Very liberal. In New York (Manhattan) County, NY 86.4% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 12.2% voted for the Republican Party, and the remaining 1.4% voted Independent. Think again genius, they might as well have it Washington DC. Go back to smashing oranges with a hammer you sycophant.
  14. President Trump is being booked for a clerical error, that is all. Actually, probably several clerical errors. Misdemeanors being contorted and stretched into felonies using some creative legal gymnastics. 😂🤣 I am sure you’ve heard the term you can indict a ham sandwich. Trumps case will likely collapse before trial. It’s all about optics. Sorry to bust your Orange Bubble. Lol
  15. If Pedo Pete Biden truly received 81 million votes in 2020 then why are they concerned about Trump? Lol
  16. /\ Emotionally Broken 🍊🍊🍊
  17. These 💩 charges are so serious they want have a hearing till December which means it will spill into the primaries and up coming election. Nothing but the weaponization of our Justice system to go after a political opponent which has been going on since he came down the escalator to announce his presidency in 2016. Total BS.
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