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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Elon Musk has never been never known as a conservative. This is what he thinks about the NY Times. Lol
  2. If Donald Trump broke the law, why didn't they mention what law he broke in the indictment?
  3. Your generalization of the left was accurate. The fact some on the left can’t see that makes liberalism a disease. Everything the woke left touches turns to 💩! Just look what’s been done to this country the last 2 1/2 years. It just seems to be overlooked which is scary in it self. They are miserable people who will never be happy till they destroy America then they’ll be bitching that they have nothing left to destroy.
  4. This show trial is rigged. The jury pool is tainted, the prosecutor is tainted, the judge is tainted and the appelate judges are tainted. We are no longer a serious nation of laws on any level . 🤡🌎
  5. What a POS! He may be senile but the EVIL Mfer knows what’s going on. And some on this board are too ignorant to even see it.
  6. Let me guess….. The next pandemic will hit 6 months before the next election. This idiot will literally tell you what they are going to do before they do it. Sorry but think I’ll skip the next BS plandemic!
  7. LET THIS SINK IN .... President Donald J. Trump was INDICTED...... even though we know for a PROVEN FACT that Obama, Biden, Comey, Hillary, Rice & endless COLLUDERS all LIED, SPIED, & TRIED to FRAME HIM using the FISA COURTS, ILLEGAL LEAKS, & FAKE NEWS to Destroy Candidate Trump, President elect TRUMP, & President TRUMP which has all been PROVEN by EVIDENCE, RECORDS, TESTIMONY, & Whistle Blowers & they're FREE Committing TYRANNY as President TRUMP is INDICTED! OPEN CORRUPTION! - Trump Supporter
  8. The legal gymnastics in this case is ridiculous and pure political.
  9. Oh No! Say it isn’t So! According to Bullets13 this study doesn’t exist along with the Pfizer clinical data that was released last year which was atrociously devastating. Bullets13 says the vaccine was effective. Lol
  10. Wokeness is a disease that infects it’s host and destroys everything that is good and decent anywhere in its proximity like a virulent parasite. - Donald Trump Jr.
  11. Video of Cardinalbacker and DontheCon2024 lighting a firecracker.😀
  12. I believe it was Paula Jones in the amount of $850,000 dollars.
  13. It’s an article from business insider. Where are they wrong?
  14. When people in leadership positions in the DOJ, CIA and FBI are removed would be my guess.
  15. Yep The left would rather rule the rubble of communism than share in the prosperity of freedom. Let the re-election begin.
  16. You poor Blind Fool. Bless your little Heart. Smh
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