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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. What took you so long? Most of us on here knows it’s BS including you but you want admit it. Why isn’t anyone talking about this?
  2. Doesn’t surprise me at all.
  3. NATO wants to deploy 300,000 troops on Russia's border. Remember when they told you Donald Trump would start World War III? In reality, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Victoria Nuland started this war when they orchestrated the overthrow of Ukraine's government in 2014, and they have been escalating the conflict ever since.
  4. I personally think he’s orchestrated the agenda for this Fake Administration.
  5. UTAlum calls that persistent ignorance. Txfan calls it normal politics that creates division. LittleBoysHoodie isn’t smart enough to know what to call it. I call it outright thievery and treason. Obama weaponized our DOJ AND FBI at the highest level before he left office.
  6. Hey Super Clown …..I was doing it under the Trump economy. Only difference is my dollar went ALOT FURTHER UNDER THE TRUMP ECONOMY ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE’S DOLLAR . In other words I was doing a lot better along with majority of America. IF YOU CANNOT SEE THAT THAN YOUR IDIOT….OH WAIT. Smh
  7. Yep…work 3 days a week for myself making $70 to $95 a hour depending on the job with about 5 % of that going to overhead. And I work work 1 day a week by choice for a friend of mine that has his own business. Sorry if you have to put in 40 plus hours a week to make a living. Lol And your right I have a big clown smile on my face every time I go to the bank. 😎
  8. Nobody’s worshiping Jack💩 on this forum about the individual your obsessed with, Reality is that the Orange Man that you’re deranged over is more than capable of getting the country back on track after this Fake Administration has undone just about all the policies that he implemented that were good for this country. I know the glowing orange is blinding you which is making it hard for you to see that fact.
  9. More persistent ignorance for UTAlum.
  10. More persistent ignorance for UTAlum. Lol. It’s reality, maybe you ought to join us. UNINVESTABLE! 😂
  11. Yeah….because everyone is loving what Biden is doing to this country. He’s such a Highly Respected Intelligent Patriotic Vigilant Fake President. Smh If we’re able to have a credible fair election Trump will win convincingly against Biden just like 2020. Note ….we have not lived in normal times for the last 6 years. Our government is CORRUPT AS HELL. Including State Governments on down when it comes to elections.
  12. Tell me where he’s wrong about the state of the country?
  13. Here’s some more persistent ignorance for UTAlum. Ding…Ding…Ding we’ve got a Winner!
  14. It surprises no one on this forum that you like your MEAT MEDIUM RARE.
  15. Wokeness is the biggest and most powerful conspiracy theory in the Western world and it isn’t close.
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