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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. And if it wasn’t for the Fake Climate Change Hoax, Trump, and being offended about EVERYTHING you wouldn’t have no Schtick Soy Boy.
  2. It must suck to be Beta Male.
  3. Liberals are Toxic to this Country an must be called out. So I am just calling it like I see it. Sorry if that hurts your feelings but I don’t CARE.
  4. Everything Woke Turns to 💩! Including DontheCon2024’s Post! Woke banks will fail. Woke people will fail. Woke schools will fail. Woke companies will fail. Woke governments will fail. Woke cities will fail. Woke militaries will fail. Woke churches will fail. Everything woke turns to 💩!
  5. Yep! It’s exactly how I picture you everytime you post on here. 😎 That is the picture Poster Child of ALL LIBERALS.
  6. The Turtle pulls a Biden😂🤣
  7. Here are some tweets from Elon Musk who is definitely a middle of the road type guy imo. Some of the forum fools will call this whataboutism. Uh….OK🤣😂 😂🤣😂🤣
  8. Are you saying the Democrat Party has been reasonable in the way they’ve been destroying this country? Believe me they’re some a lot of pathetic Republicans to go with them but as a whole its treasonous and unconstitutional what the Democrats have been pushing.
  9. A picture of DontheCon2024 when conservatives on SETX POLITICAL FORUM post Truth about the Democrats Lies! So what you’re saying is stop posting the truth because it hurts your feelings? Lol
  10. I wonder why the J6 Unselect Committee didn’t show this video clip for the pass 2 years? Oh….that’s right it went against the narrative they were pushing. Parasites of the worst kind!
  11. All the mainstream media nut holders have suddenly disappeared. Lol Truth is such a great disinfectant.
  12. Oh look UTAlum, Cardinalbacker, Big Girl a the rest of you Nutjobs, here is some more Truth and Full Context of J6. Y’all sure have been mighty quiet lately. Lol
  13. But…but…you’re not allowed to give full context of what actually went on January the 6th because that may debunk the BS the American people have been fed for the last two years. I hope it all gets released!
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