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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. You have a lot of bitterness built up inside you. I think you need a lot prayer. Sweet Baby Jesus Help This Individual. Amen
  2. This is an inconvenient truth and embarrassing fact that many on this forum want to ignore or not accept. The spiritual bitterness and denial runs deep for those that canā€™t except this fact. ā€œNothing in this World is more Dangerous than Sincere Ignorance.ā€ - MLK Jr.
  3. Math looks good to me. Lol Unbelievableā€¦Smh Let me guessā€¦.Republicans voted against Republicans. Lol
  4. I donā€™t think this Bus driver liked the Black National Anthem. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ This Woke šŸ’© is getting SO OLD! Weā€™re all Americans! Except if youā€™re here illegally. Just another way to divide US!
  5. Iā€™ve been saying it for a long time on here that State Leaders and Judges are compromised. That answers the question why ALL election fraud evidence has not been allowed IN COURT.
  6. Wrongā€¦just pure entertainment, zero dollars involved. Thanks for entertaining with your content.
  7. I think you legitimately have zero critical thinking skills and stand for nothing but what benefits you and you only. Bad fruit will eventually fall on its own, it doesnā€™t need to be tampered with, Enjoy. šŸ¤”
  8. I never said it was right but America didnā€™t invent slavery nor was it just a certain race that owned slaves. I like the way you totally overlooked the fact that black people owned slaves also. Did that make your brain short circuit?
  9. Where does Nat Butler who was a black man that owned and sold slaves fit into the equation of your percentages? How would you classify him? He wasnā€™t the only black man who owned slaves back in those days.
  10. Nopeā€¦Iā€™d say thatā€™s a pretty accurate picture of you posting on this forum. Your Welcome
  11. Do you think Orange Man should be put in timeout? Uhā€¦I believe Trump has already announced heā€™s running for President. Something Desantis canā€™t do right now since he was just elected Governor. Desantis is the front runner next to Trump. Thatā€™s just a part of politics. Itā€™s going to be a slugfest in the primaries as it should. Like Iā€™ve said before Iā€™d vote for either one but I really want to see who Desantisā€™s Big Donors are. Iā€™ve seen where Karl Rove and Jeb Bush were talking up Desantis which is definitely not a good look for Desantis. There is still a lot of time before the real rumble starts. I donā€™t think your sensitivity level will be able to handle it. Seems Orange Man really hurts those feelings of yours a lot. Lol
  12. Whatā€™s he suppose to say? He just got elected governor. He canā€™t say nothing. Itā€™s not a good look on Desantis an he knows it. Smh And Trump knows that. Lol
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