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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. This is how a Real President deals with Ukraine and Russia. Wether you like him or not he knew how to deal with foreign leaders. There were no new wars under his Presidency. NONE!
  2. Just trying to keep it to your reading comprehension level. Your Welcome
  3. šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Sounds like the DOJ and FBI spying on an incoming and sitting president to try an take him out of office doesnā€™t bother you either because you donā€™t know how to respond it. Must be hard to criticize your Lord and Savior Barack Hussein Obama. Another one of the most corrupt Presidents in US history. All up in the Feelingsā€¦šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Does YouTube hurt your feelings also?
  4. Big girl said she saw it live! She said it was an insurrection! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚
  5. Cardinalbacker said there is no proof. Lol
  6. It just keeps coming out. Some on this forum scuffed the VAERS numbers a year and a half ago. Crickets now.
  7. No, sheā€™s been programmed to avoid critical thinking and think for herself along with many others on this forum.
  8. I never said anything about someone going to jail. Just the fact that the DOJ and FBI spied on and tried to take down a President in it self is corruption at the highest level and you are just fine with that fact. Thank you for reaffirming your ignorance. Sorry you are still too ignorant to figure out or understand how Twitter works. You must have nightmares of Twitter because it definitely seems too bother you.šŸ˜‚
  9. Were you duped by the Russia Hoax that went on for 4 or 5?
  10. Yep, just like The Russia Hoax that went on for about 4 years until it was proven to be a BIG LIE! Along with many other lies. Lol Where was your outrage when lies against Trump were proven to be lies? Iā€™ll answer for you. Your werenā€™t outraged at all but you have the 2024 election all figured out. Lol You donā€™t need 300 million iPhones for massive fraud in large counties in swing states.
  11. The Republican Primaries will sort that out. Your perspective and insight from the political landscape of the last 5 or 6 years are blindly incoherent. But you can believe in Leprechauns and Unicorns if you want.
  12. I doubt very seriously that Trump would run as a Third Party as it would most surely hand the Democrat Party a Victory by splitting the vote. Thatā€™s what the Republican Primaries will sort out. I will support the Republican nominee in the general election regardless if itā€™s Trump or Desantis. But as I have said, there things that havenā€™t even happened yet that will shape the Republican Primaries in my opinion. All ways seems to happen that way.
  13. Joe Biden was your Solution? Lol I see yā€™all have the same cognitive abilities. I know you hate to see your Daddy Go.
  14. I see you canā€™t refute what I posted so thatā€™s you can go back too. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ Democrats will be depending on your vote. šŸ˜‚
  15. Alright now donā€™t start throwing facts or common sense out at some of these Orange Man hating individuals. Lol They May short circuit trying to figure that out.
  16. Kinda like certain politicians selling us out to China. The Republican Primaries will take care of Trump and Desantis. Whatā€™s funny is this imaginary cult you talk about. Itā€™s not about Trump. Itā€™s about what policies are good for this country. Wether it be Trumps policies or Desantis policies. You along with a few others on this forum are the only ones caught up in the cult of personalities being a prerequisite to be Commander in Chief. I heard there are going to be cuddlers at the voting polls for people like you and your other sensitive minions so they can cuddle you while you vote in 2024.
  17. All of that jibberish and nothing about voting on a candidate that puts forth policies that are good for America. Wether it be Desantis or Trump, you are the one blind in your feel good popularity contest to be president. Letā€™s please cuddle ignorant voters never mind policy. It has nothing to do with Trump. Sorry youā€™re so sensitive that you canā€™t see past his personal imperfections. Smh Electing a Commander in Chief that is sweet and kind that preaches Unicorns and Rainbows is not going to get this Country back on track but you keep thinking that.
  18. Check out this article. The guy is spot on but American Idol Voters wouldnā€™t get it. Lol
  19. Txfan hereā€™s you a good article that will give you some perspective about Desantis but it may be too long for you. Sorry I donā€™t have the Audio Version. šŸ˜
  20. I Agree with your post but Iā€™ll have to see who Desantisā€™s Big Donors are before I decide to vote for him. Should be a knock down drag out primary for the Republican Party. And like Iā€™ve said before, there are things that havenā€™t even happened yet that will shape the Republican Primaries. Should be interesting.
  21. Yeahā€¦.Majority of Americans canā€™t wait to have 4 more years of what we have in office. Talk about Clown World. Smh Yeah I donā€™t anyone that could beat Biden after the STELLAR JOB HE HAS DONE!šŸ˜‚
  22. More Professional šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I think you have the other TDS (Twitter Derangement Syndrome). Twitter really seems to bother you. šŸ˜‚ You donā€™t understand how it works so you make a fool out of yourself talking about it. It must suck to be that intellectually lazy.
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