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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Really?…. You know that for a fact? In a fairly run election I’d take you up on that bet everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. Say what you want but the guy won in 2020. He received 12 million more votes than he did his first election. Most ever by a Mile in a 2nd term Presidential run and it’s not even close. Obama received 4 million less votes in his 2nd presidential run an still won. Lol Your telling me that the majority of Americans want 4 more years of this 💩 we’ve been living through?
  2. Yeah this party in power is doing Awesome!! Smh Uh … I believe these are your words “I'll vote DeSantis in the primaries and if he doesn't get it I'll write someone in (waste my vote) ” If you don’t vote for the nominee you’re voting democrat. It’s that simple. But keep believing your gonna show Trump by not voting for him if he receives the Republican nomination .🤣😂
  3. I’ll vote Republican regardless who the nominee is, Trump or Desantis. If Trump gets the nomination then please vote Democrat, nobody gives 💩 about your sensitive petty uninformed ignorance. Boy…you’re really going to show Trump who is boss by voting Democrat. Lol 😎
  4. Morgan Freeman is one of my favorite actors and his words are spot on although it may be painful for some on this forum.
  5. The officials handled the Superbowl just like they handled the 2020 Election. Lol I can’t stand the Eagles but they got took. I sure hate it….Not! 😂
  6. I heard it be 3 weeks before they’re tabulated.😀
  7. The fact that’s all you got out of that clip is hilarious. That’s not even the reason I posted it. Do you even know how to press the play button to listen to what the congressman said? Lol Hmmm …I wonder why they should be arrested should be the better question. Smh
  8. It doesn’t get any plainer than that folks. Txfan may refute this video of Congressional Hearings with Twitter Executives since it came off Twitter.…buts it’s Real.😁
  9. Awe…Bless your little Heart. Sometimes I get on here and post my opinion, sometimes I post links from Twitter which really seems to bother you a GREAT DEAL! Lol. Maybe you should join twitter an see how the platform works so you don’t look like such a fool on here. Lol You never debate the message you just like to attack the messenger. Please tell me where I’ve been wrong Mr Neutral I stand on the fence on everything. Lol As for as my business and working 2 jobs. I could get by on just my business. 2 years ago I couldn’t but I choose to get ahead that’s why I still work that 2nd job. Just so you know both jobs combined take up about 30hrs a week. Lol. $34,000 left on a mortgage of a $300,000 home, that’s what will be knocked out very soon. Own all 3 of my vehicles about to pay cash for a 4th vehicle for my other Son who is about to start driving. So yes other than basic necessities like utility bills, taxes, insurance etc I will be debt free soon. Proud of it. Keep on driving that truck and sending truckers out on deliveries , we appreciate you getting our stuff to us. My wife’s grandpa drove a 18 wheeler for Exxon Mobil for almost 40 years. Admirable job but I still wouldn’t take much life advice from him. Lol
  10. He must have received multiple shots to get him thru all that babbling. I didn’t get to watch. I had to rearrange my sock drawer last night.😃
  11. Now that is an Awesome Troll! Why tear up the State of Union Address?when you can just bring in a Huge White Balloon to float in the air while Biden is giving his Address to the Union! 😂🤣
  12. Sounds like the Clinton Foundation. When all these foreign countries saw that she lost the election they all stop sending her Foundation money. But…but it’s for the children. 🤣😂
  13. I agree, way too early. There are things that haven’t even happen yet that will shape the 2024 election.
  14. It would have happened again in 2020 if they’d not stop counting ballots on election night in certain states. It’s never been done before. The election was stolen in the middle of the night. Trump Won!😂
  15. A message to you from your Daddy T.
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