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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Breaking… WORLD — In a surprise statement to the world from the White House Situation Room, President Biden has announced America's unconditional surrender to the Chinese Spy Balloon. "Listen, folks, it's over," said Biden as a single tear ran down his face. "We're outgunned here. There's no hope that we can match the awesome power of this giant balloon." Biden's voice was drowned out by the dozens of weeping journalists gathered outside the room. "I urge you all to hug your loved ones and embrace your children, for the end is near. God help us all," Biden finally said before signing off for the last time. At publishing time, Americans had been urged by the administration to start learning Mandarin.
  2. Comedy gold is watching you and your Orange Man Minions take the bait.
  3. I am obsessed with poking you with the antagonizing stick. Pulling the ole puppet strings just for you and your Orange Man Bad Buddies. Y’all take the bait every time.🤣. It’s as easy as antagonizing my little brother.😂
  4. You trying to convince me? Or yourself? Lol I am amazed that you’d be able to get inside a dead comedians head that died in 2008 to know what he would say about today’s issues. Keep piling it up high. Lol
  5. I didn’t realize someone could pile manure that high. Good Grief! Smh The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly. - George Carlin
  6. “Infrastructure, policies leading us out of the pandemic, expanding domestic oil production, using his international leadership experience to help repair supply lines, investing in domestic chip production.“ - UTAlum What infrastructure? What policies leading us out of pandemic? You mean slowly opening back up a country that should have never been locked down in the first place. He tried to mandate that poison for every American but the courts slapped his butt down, expanding domestic oil production 😂Now that’s a good one! He’s drained out strategic oil supply!😂 Using his international experience to get his son to set aside 10% for the Big Guy. 😂 Where’s the chip production being done at? He may be producing Bull Chips… that’s about it.! What a load of 💩!
  7. I bet the Chinese spy balloon isn’t brave enough to fly over Texas.
  8. Research the case and the back story of Leticia James, then you’ll get it. Like I said I’ve never said Trump was an Angel. Matter fact I’ve posted before that he’s a narcissist, arrogant jerk but that doesn’t take away from him being a pragmatist. I see’s a problem an try’s to take care of it. Sometimes it’s not in the nicest manner but it doesn’t bother me one bit. Just get the problem solved.
  9. Glad you posted the second video. It literally gives you the reason why he pleaded the 5th. Thank you. Did you even listen to the whole second video? If you haven’t you need too. Do you even know the back story of Leticia James? All she could talk about was taking Trump down before she was even elected Attorney General of NY without any evidence of any kind. I’ve never said Trump is an Angel but I know when a man is being targeted, an if you can’t see that you’re lying to yourself. Can even tell me in your own words what the case is even about?
  10. Lost and Incoherent I literally posted a video clip of Nikki Haley being asked by a reporter if she would run for president in 2024 if Trump was running and she said no absolutely not. Now you’re saying that’s a fake story. Lol Sorry Boo Boo but I can’t help you.
  11. I could find a lot video of every fake story that was being pushed to take down Trump also, you can’t have it both ways. If you’re going to point out one thing you can’t ignore all the other BS , it goes hand in hand.
  12. I like Desantis but I’d like to see who is going to be his Big Money Donors if he would decide to run for President. That will tell you lot about how he will govern as President.
  13. You never answered my question about yawning when Hunter Biden’s Laptop was being called Russian Disinformation before the 2020 election?
  14. I don’t think the DOJ AND FBI have been spying on and trying to destroy Nikki Haley for the last 6 years. But if you want to make that comparison please do.
  15. That’s hilarious! You really had to twist that one to even make a half ounce of sense. Lol
  16. Was you yawning when it was called Russian Disinformation before the 2020 election?
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