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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. It’s not a story. It’s a statement of fact. She said it, I didn’t. Obviously that causes you to short circuit and make up some nonsensical response but hey get all the popcorn you want. Lol
  2. So.. it doesn’t change what she said when asked the question if she would run in 2024 against Trump. Totally irrelevant. Lol i know it’s hard but pay attention to the question asked and the answer given. Smh
  3. Well..Well..Well look what we have here. Guess Rudy Giuliani was right. Lol What are conspiracy theorists now?….like 23 and 0! Lol
  4. What does winning championships have to do with a black man being bludgeoned to death by 5 black police officers?
  5. Truth….feelings hurt. His response is what you get when you can’t refute what was said. Carry on… By the way I also was born at Park Place Hospital. Date withheld also. Lol
  6. Poor Tyre Nichols . We’re not going to see any statues built for this guy. Pelosi and Schumer won’t take a knee at his shrine. The media has moved on. Why? Because his police assailants were black and, for the Left, black-on-black violence is inconvenient and even somewhat boring. What happened to this young man was horrible.
  7. Where’s the same outrage about this incident as there was about George Floyd? Could it be because all 5 officers were black? Smh Note to Txfan, this video may not be real due to the fact it was posted from Twitter.
  8. And that’s the way you do it!! Boom!!
  9. Looks like we have more in common than you think. Lol I feel like I’ve lived in the Twilight Zone the Last 2 Years!
  10. Wow…I’d be curious to know her educational credentials. Unfortunately she’s probably not the only judge that is currently serving that can’t answer those questions. Hence…you get some of the ridiculous rulings that judges put out.
  11. Another angle of the Paul Pelosi video footage has just been released!
  12. The “Pencil Resolution”! 😂🤣😂
  13. According to TxFan this footage isn’t real because I posted it from Twitter.
  14. Oh Look…A picture of you talking.
  15. Noticed you just picked out the election fraud of 20 & 22. You can’t refute everything else I was right about. Lol Don’t worry…in due time I will be right about the election fraud. What did it take ? 3 maybe 4 years for it to come out that the Russia Hoax was total BS made up by your favorite politicians, FBI and DOJ 😂 Twitter is really making you meltdown.😂
  16. WTH are you even talking about? The only thing that hasn’t come to fruition is the Massive Election Fraud in 20 & 22. When it’s all said an done I will be right about that too. Everything else is fact Jack! Wether it was put on Twitter or not. You seem to have a problem with the platform Twitter. Lol You’ve never been on Twitter an obviously know very little about the platform but you seem to lose your 💩 when I post something off Twitter. Like I said before News Organizations Big and Small put their news on there, independent journalists, politicians, etc. It’s one stop shop for information. Now grant it there is a lot nonsense you have to ignore because it’s an open platform but there’s real news and information that is posted there. Sorry you can’t comprehend that concept.
  17. Can you explain what those are? I am right about everything I posted above. The R’s controlling the House has nothing to do with what post I was right about. Try again.
  18. No sir, I was right about the Russia Hoax, The spying on Trumps Campaign, The BS impeachment 1 & 2, The Vaccine, Hunter Laptop, J6 not being a insurrection, And I am sure I will be right about the Election Fraud in 20 & 22 in due time. Don’t short change me now. Lol I am sure I forgot a few more.😁
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