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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. You may be right but I don’t like being a slave to debt because with debt comes interest an I don’t like paying interest when I don’t have too. If your game is working for you then keep knocking it out. I am always happy to see someone getting ahead working smarter not harder.
  2. Never said debt is bad. Read it again. I said debt and credit is dumb. If you have the ability to save a pay cash that’s the way to go imo. Sometimes on large purchases like home you may not be in a situation where you can’t pay cash so you get a low interest 15 year fixed rate loan if you were smart enough to keep clean credit an pay it off as soon as you can. Keep your debt minimal to zero. I don’t claim to be a financial advisor but this has worked for me an my family. Low IQ Reader
  3. Yes I did, I will always vote for a Pro Life president no matter how much he sucks and how embarrassing he is.
  4. Can’t refute the facts that were made known in the Arizona Senate Testimony that were posted above so it’s time to post a kindergarten meme. Lol
  5. Stay in debt then. Lol Sounds like the Twitter platform really bothers you. Lol
  6. What are you…New? You can’t escape taxes but you can be debt free. Maybe if you get 2 jobs you too can become debt free like I will be by the end of the year. 🤣😂 You may need to add a Twitter Prescription to your Trump prescription.
  7. There is no grasping for straws here. Trumptard…boy that’s really original. I know Twitter doesn’t have near the factual content that you and your sack holder put out on this world reaching forum. 😂
  8. It’s getting built back day by day week by week. By the end of this year I should be back to normal and completely debt free. But thank you so much for your words of wisdom…they’re meaningless.
  9. I see you didn’t answer the question I asked you.😂 Not surprising
  10. You’re right, Trump is in a very vulnerable position. 🤣 3.2 Billion Net Worth 😂
  11. 3.2 billion net worth, he probably know what he’s doing.
  12. Imagine that …a trucking company didn’t get affected by Covid. You are a special kind of stupid. Are you really trying to make the argument that no one’s business was affected by Covid?😂🤣
  13. Edited by Bobcat1 - Watch your name calling.
  14. So your saying it is smart to have debt? Debt and credit is dumb. Cash is the way to go. Maybe you need to take a Dave Ramsey course. Lol By the way, I paid cash for my land, a got a better deal. I didn’t have to worry about being in debt before we built our house. It’s always best to be owed than to owe. I know the difference between the deficit and debt . I know when someone adds a record amount of debt to that deficit. Maybe you need to stick to taking the right amount of meds to control your Trump Syndrome.
  15. Reputable Lender 😂🤣 Trump’s Net Worth is about 3.2 Billion Dollars according to Forbes last time I checked.
  16. 😂🤣😂 What had happen Wuz
  17. Obama could save Joe with one press conference, one tweet.. Declaring that those documents were declassified by him. But.. He hasnt...
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