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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Go figure it out. I know it hard.
  2. Dude….your really not fooling anyone. You’re as stupid as your make believe partner. Weak comprehension skills. Lol
  3. Not crawfishing, stand by post . Sorry your comprehension skills get in your way. Only liar on here is you pretending to know what your talking about.😂
  4. Just did. Like I said you’re too LAZY to take the time to research. It’s readily available for NONLAZY PEOPLE. LOL
  5. Not gonna do work for a lazy troll. The VP does not have the same Constitutional Declassification Powers as the President. Not a Lie. My post with CB was my opinion. I never sited a source. It’s no secret that a majority of Republicans Voters did not want McCarthy as Speaker. Not a Lie. Here is one of the congressmen that held out on voting for McCarthy. He traveled Arizona a few weeks before the vote nomination of McCarthy an NO ONE wanted him as Speaker. Lol. The 80% of Republican Voters that I said didn’t want McCarthy was being generous.😂 Sound of a lazy Troll that just makes up Jibberish on the Fly. Lol
  6. No lying just facts. I know it’s hard for you to comprehend them. Lol
  7. Just what I thought… too lazy.
  8. Surely you know how to do research? Get to work an learn something. Typical troll…wanting everyone else to do their work. Lol
  9. Most of your post are alleged. Lol They were found on 2 November 2022. Amazing how they waited till after the mid term elections for this information to come out. Lol
  10. The VP has limited declassification and classification powers but not as broad as the President. It doesn’t matter if I supplied you with a source because you’d just say it’s not a reliable source like the rest of your minions. You never answered my question. Lol Can the VP give Pardon’s?
  11. Shake your head all you want . The VP is not the President. Can the VP give pardons?
  12. It’s nice to see some the J6 video trickle out. Imagine if all 14,000 hrs of video was released to the public to put everything that happened that day in full context.
  13. There is a difference between Trump's possession and Biden's possession of classified documents . Since Trump was President, he had the power to declassify documents. Since Biden wasn't, he had no such power. So I agree, Biden should be impeached an never hold office again.
  14. Don’t forget CB! But but it’s just Conspiracy Theory! Everything is A ok with the Fake Presidents Administration. Smh They have gotten hundreds of thousands conservatives silenced wether it be for the BS Vaccine or BS 2020 election.
  15. Where’s the Peanut Gallery?!
  16. Why would he have these classified documents? Was he planning to sell them to China? Why Oh Why? Have Swat teams and Navy Seals arrived at his multiple homes to raid them? 😂😂😂 The Democrats ALWAYS DO WHAT THEY ACCUSE OTHERS OF DOING….ALWAYS! Look over here why we do the same thing over there. You want hear Jack 💩 from the peanut gallery about this.
  17. Hey …Dumb Dumb, that’s what the 20 Conservatives were holding out for, New House Rules, an that’s what they got. Now let’s see if he delivers. Nobody still cares for McCarthy except you. Lol
  18. Love it! Dropped his pillow line for him questioning the election, now your about to get dropped and go out of business .😂🤣
  19. You seem to be the only one distraught over 2 Congressman having a heated argument on the House Floor. Wish you were that distraught about the vaccine mandates that tried to be pushed on the American People which we know now are causing serious health issues and even death or the erasing of our southern border by this fake president allowing a illegal alien invasion on our southern border that has seen millions cross over into our country sucking up resources that should be going to Americans. No other country in the world would allow this to happen to their borders. I could go on and on but please be upset about the heated argument of 2 congressmen on the house floor. This is actually what really happened Big Girl from a reliable source. 😁
  20. Either you ate “little boys in the hoodie” or your his cousin Pookie. Your not fooling no one but yourself.😂 Ultra Right 😂….. These last 2 years have been Awesome haven’t they?
  21. Breaking: California’s Kevin McCarthy was just elected Speaker of the House in 1/20th the time it took Arizona to count midterm ballots.
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