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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking. -Steve Jobs
  2. The Truth has no defense against against a fool determined to believe a lie. ~ Mark Twain
  3. For Real …For Real? Sounds like Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream has got it all figured out. πŸ˜‚ Good Grief…
  4. Why did they need to censor doctors if the damn shot was really β€œsafe and effective”?? Because they knew it wasn’t, but pushed it through anyways and shut down anybody who spoke out against it. Conspiracy Theorists just keep looking like Geniuses! Your Welcome!
  5. Those conspiracy theories just keep coming true. Who would have thunk it. Uh……ME!
  6. Anti-Kari Lake partisans shut down machines on election day in GOP areas. Didn’t count ballots at voting centers as req’d by law. Took over a week to count. No chain of custody docs as req’d by law. And this gets dismissed?! Maricopa County isn’t a banana republic - it’s worse. Will the judicial system weigh the evidence fairly? Or will judges run from the fight, because the entire debacle is just too damn messy for a polite society? Arizona law is clear: even inadvertent errors in election require setting aside result if it casts outcome in doubt. Intentionality is NOT required when the error casts actual winner "in doubt." There is definitely an appeal on the way.
  7. It think it would do you some good to read β€œBlack Rednecks and White Liberals β€œ by Thomas Sowell. Very informative and eye opening.
  8. Nope, everyone already knows the Raiders Suck. Way to Replicate. Try again Little Boyz in the Hood. Nothing Ruthless about that. πŸ˜‚
  9. Go to your printer right now and try to change the printer setting from shrink to fit. Ok. Now pretend that 72 other people simultaneously made the same mistake the ONE DAY they were supposed to be under explicit instructions not to mess with their printer. Only a Bootlicking Government Clapping Seal would be something like that could happen on Election Day in Arizona. Lol
  10. A yet here you are πŸ˜‚ You know who Rickie is, if not you fit his Racist Liberal profile to a T. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜
  11. Happy Holidays Rickie!πŸ˜‚
  12. I don’t know how you ignore printers settings intentionally being set to a configuration that would cause tabulators to malfunction a cause 1 1/2 to 4 hour delays in 70 out of 223 voting centers, all 70 being deep red voting centers. Why would you do that knowing the tabulators are going to reject it? Total BS! They are suppose to be tested the day before elections for functionality. The Chain of custody of the ballots which is Arizona law was totally obliterated by not following through with whss as t the law says. But who needs laws now days BECAUSE NO ONES FOLLOWS THEM ESPECIALLY THE DEMOCRATS. Thing about it is if the judge makes them have a re election the far left will probably start burning down the cities and threaten public officials. How do have a re election with the same crooked officials with the same officials? I say call in the military to over a new election. Fix 2020 or BUST!…An currently we are and will BUST! Our elections are Corrupt and a Freaking Joke!
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