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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. Nothing has changed, it’s left up to the states as it should have been from the get go.
  2. Now I know why Elon Musk is trying to occupy Mars. Lol
  3. These same liberal nut jobs believe chocolate milk comes from Brown Cows. Smh
  4. Congratulations to the Biden regime for pretending to legalize gay marriage yesterday for a photo op when it's already been legal for years. Imagine being dumb enough to fall for that.
  5. Believe me there’s plenty of Republicans that received money from this Turd. McConnell and McCarthy to name a few. A majority of the Republican Party need to leave the Republican an join the Democrat Party, they’re already in it anyway. Imo we truly do not have a 2 party system.
  6. And that’s how you do it! Bravo Governor Desantis…We’ll Done!
  7. I wonder if AOC worked underneath her as a Bartender?
  8. Has anyone checked on Paul Pelosi? Wonder if they’ll ever release the Police Body Cam?
  9. Yep…it’s never ending. A nation is always demoralized before it’s destroyed. We’re well on our way.
  10. I think I’m one the few who hasn’t been shocked by a single revelation of the #TwitterFiles. The communists who ran twitter were coordinating with the communists who run the FBI and the communists who run the Democratic Party. This was obvious to anyone paying attention.
  11. Arizona Sun Times Newspaper Article Outright Thievery By the Democrats
  12. Wow…what a novel that idea. Interesting…
  13. Right from the Inventor. Truly a Crime Against Humanity.
  14. Just optics to make her look good. Want change nothing.
  15. It doesn’t get anymore real than this. 69 Percent of Dems Agree Arizonans Were Denied Sacred Right to Vote, But That's Not the Most Surprising Part.
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