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Everything posted by Unwoke

  1. And with just one mean tweet, Donald Trump got the entire media and Democrat party to defend the US Constitution. Simply Amazing….😂 TDS in Full Motion…😂
  2. Yet here you are on a little podunk political forum posting nothing of any substance , just insults. Congratulations
  3. Probably has a higher IQ than you too.
  4. OMG!!! This describes YOU, Big Girl, UT Alum, Boys in Da Hood and Cardinalbacker to a T!! A MUST WATCH!!
  5. You need to stop eating Play-Doh also, It’s not good for you.
  6. Married with 2 kids, Have owned my own business for 16 years, Enjoy activities with my Family, I think I’ve been posting for about a year and YOU NEVER DEBATE WHAT I POST OR THE MESSAGE, INSTEAD YOU JUST ATTACK ME. 😂 Yep, that bout sums it up.
  7. Hey Cardinalbacker remember when you made fun of Rudy Giuliani an said the laptop of Hunters was BS? Apology accepted Mr. Uninformed.
  8. Let’s post what he actually said so the spinners don’t meltdown. Lol “Does anybody notice that the Lame Stream Media is REFUSING to report about, even a simple mention, the biggest Election Integrity and Interference Scandal in our Country's History. Watch closely, you will see barely a mention. We have a CORRUPT MEDIA the likes of which has never been seen before, but fear not, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” “I am glad that everyone is now seeing the light on what I have been saying loud and clear for the last two years, that the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged and stolen by a combination of Democrats, Big Tech, "law enforcement." and other bad actors.” “Sadly, we have become a corrupt Country, perhaps one of the most corrupt anywhere in the world. We MUST right this horrible wrong, and take our Country back.” “Wow! That's a really big story about Twitter and various forms of government Fraud including, specifically, Election Fraud. The same level of Fraud took place with the other Big Tech companies, if not even worse (if that's possible?). We are living in a VERY CORRUPT COUNTRY &, AS THEY ARE SAYING ALL OVER THE INTERNET,” "NOTHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT BECAUSE THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT & FBI ARE TOTALLY CORRUPT." But they'll keep investigating "boxes" that were legally & openly taken from the W.H. “So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great "Founders" did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!” Your Daddy, Donald J. Trump 🍊😎🍊 PS I added Your Daddy 😁
  9. No but you can get your unfiltered message out to the American people without the mainstream media twisting your words.😎
  10. Stop eating the Play-Doh!
  11. According to Cardinalbacker that lady’s testimony along with thousands more in Arizona doesn’t mean there was fraud. Smh
  12. The intelligence agencies that swore that Russia interfered in the 2016 Election are the same intelligence agencies that swore that Hunter’s Laptop was Russian Disinformation; they’re also the same intelligence agencies that swore the 2020 Election was the most secure in history. The intel agencies denied Trump a 2nd term. Period.
  13. I wouldn’t expect you to understand the ramifications of what’s been coming out about Hunter Biden and Big Tech. Go back to playing with your Play-Doh. 😂😂
  14. The montage that the sheep ate up like Cardinalbacker, Big Girl, UT Alum, and Boys in Da Hood.
  15. Russia Hoax, Fake Impeachment 1 & 2, Now Twitter, FBI and DOJ suppressing The Laptop from Hell and the Conservative Voice. Of course if anyone was paying attention they already knew this. Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Government just ram- rodding the American People. The frauds at twitter in charge of "trust and safety" were involved in a conspiracy to rig a presidential election. Any Republican in Congress who doesn't speak out about #TWITTERGATE this weekend and demand justice, was in on it #twitterfiles. So we have proof: Biden’s team engaged in *bright red line* violations of free speech principles to suppress disfavored speech- especially as it related to their election prospects This is a massive scandal, and Biden should rightly be IMPEACHED for it. TRUMP WAS RIGHT!! AS USUAL.
  16. This what Politi Fact had to say about it. Side-by-side photographs on Facebook of President Donald Trump and his father Fred Trump attempt to show a family pattern of white supremacy. "Donald Trump: A white supremacist...just like dad," reads large text in a post shared by the group Anti-Trump USA on Feb. 25. On Donald Trump's side, the post highlights his partial quote from a news conference that there were "fine people on both sides" after a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va. Beneath a photo of Fred Trump, the text states he was "arrested participating in KKK riot" in 1927. The post contains some elements of truth about Fred Trump: He was arrested that year in connection with a clash between the KKK and police amid a parade in Queens. But the post goes beyond what is known about his actions to say he was "participating." The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.) A spokesman for the White House did not comment for the story. The arrest The story of Fred Trump’s arrest at a KKK rally has challenged reporters even before his son entered the 2016 presidential race. The KKK riot broke out during the May 30, 1927, Memorial Day parade in Jamaica, Queens, N.Y., according to archives from The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. A week prior, police commissioner Joseph Warren was warned that the Klan intended to parade in hoods and gowns. Warren said they were not issued a permit to have a parade, but a report later said the KKK had permission from the Grand Army of the Republic, a veterans’ organization that had charge of the parade arrangements. However, on the day of the parade, police were unable to keep at least 1,000 Klansmen from participating. The New York Times stated that "1,000 Klansmen and 100 policemen staged a free-for-all battle in Jamaica." Fred Trump, then 21, was arrested at the parade along with six others, according to the New York Times. (His address was listed as 175-25 Devonshire Road, Jamaica, which matched the 1930 Census.) However, unlike the other men arrested who faced various charges of assault and disorderly conduct, the Times reported that Trump "was discharged." We checked other reports of the riot to find more information — and found some discrepancies. A May 31, 1927, Brooklyn Daily Eagle article named six prisoners and all but one, bystander Ralph Losee, were called "avowed Klansmen" by the police. But this article did not mention Trump's name.
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